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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Implausibly.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 at 08:06:21 am EDT
Reply Subj: Impossibly?
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 at 07:41:29 pm EDT (Viewed 597 times)

> > I think she's taking her promises seriously, even when they might cost her everything. It's a sign of growing maturity.
> Especially since an episode again she decided that Al B Harper was an enemy. Normally that means she would have struck with lethal force before Al knows what happened. But since she's responsible for Griffin's safety her entire pattern of thought has changed.
> It's the first time Anna has learned to be more precise and less deadly.

At some point that would be a good thing to illustrate in a narrative.

> Sounds like Visionary has a babysitter. A multi-billion dollar babysitter with deadly lasers. I'm sure Drury will love that.

Drury's a reasonable guy within the limits of his own background and understanding. He's not always a big fan of superheroes (he's the guy who gets to clean up their messes) and he's paranoid as a survival method, but he's also quite a straight joe, a good guy given a job that calls on him to wade through a lot of crap and do things he hates sometimes.

That means that if he's reacting so strongly to Anna then he knows or thinks he knows something to justify it. He won't be covering his own ass but he might be covering someone else's by order. He might know things about Anna even she doesn't. It's the basis for a good long-running intrigue/espionage thriller.

> The spoilers box definitely has a reason this time: I've implied before that Anna's creator is dead. That would be why no more Anna's have been built - because the builder was an Al B Harper class genius, Anna is the prototype, and perhaps nobody has quite figured out yet how he did it.
> Of course the question then is how did he die? Is the blood on Anna's hands or SPUD's, or some outside agent who didn't want SPUD to have a technological advantage?

First off, does the scientist have to be a He? I ask only because we have plenty of male mad scientists running around, but only two female ones, Dr Moo specialising in biotech and Rikka Ulz Hagen, specialist in robotics and artifical intelligence (the relative of WW2 scientist Dr Vizhnar who may have built Visionary if he's fake, and who later created HAGGIE and HALLIE). There's also the Idiom but she isn't exactly a villain and she has a much broader range of general know-how.

To distinguish from these I'd suggest that the scientist you're thinking of might come from a different angle - not neccessarily a computer scientist so much as a psychologist/mathematician/logic specialist. A real mental button-pusher. That fits with your idea that something beyond the mere tech happened with Anna.

> It also raises questions. Nobody really is sure if her brain was intended to work that way, especially since in a military environment a robot or android that obeys is more important than one that can make important ethical decisions on its own. It may be a malfunction, or the creator may have disobeyed orders to pursue his own agenda.

There's a huge black ops backstory here that will make a great adventure in its own right.

> The tech division that created Anna had its equipment physically destroyed by her during her escape. After that, I presume they either went underground or had their budget cut off because of that embarrassing incident.

Enquiring minds want to know.

> And yes, the extreme response was most likely to cover up the existence of Anna. The only reason Drury allowed the Lair Legion to take her in is most likely because their fairly secretive, so Anna won't get out into the public anyhow. And because he's afraid of a confrontation with them while SPUD's own secret weapon is against them.

There's also the horrific possibility that all of this, even Anna's "escape", is part of their agenda.

> > The other thing that's missing is an understanding of why the Land That Common Sense Forgot is still there.
> Maybe Liu Xi will figure that out.

She's one major trauma off getting to any truth yet.

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