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Subj: Re: Well, some of it, anyway
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 at 06:22:35 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Well, some of it, anyway
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 at 05:52:31 pm EDT

> > EDIT: I thought of something else! The stuff you did with Lee was really interesting! Kind makes me wondering if their will be any lingering effect on either part?
> Well, the effect on that Space Fandom is that he's dead. As for Lee, that's for you to say. I do expect to chronicle a conversation between him and Marie about it sometime.

He may have been referring to the Librarian absorbing Hallie into his mind, which is something I thought was an interesting twist and wanted to mention myself. I'm not sure if that kind of thing might have lingering effects or not... How exactly does Lee process the information he absorbs? On the one hand, he may have a more complete understanding of Hallie's programming than most anyone else, which considering how carefully she guards it is something that she might have lingering feelings about. Conversely, she might have had access to all sorts of information Lee was carrying around inside his head, and she is the nosy type...

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