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Subj: They dared to call him mad! Mad!
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 at 06:07:30 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Wow... Evil Al is a jerk. A competent one at that.
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 at 02:50:42 pm EDT

> Lots of good stuff in this chapter, as the heroes do what they do best... mess up perfectly sound plans for ruling the world. Al certainly makes a tough villain to oppose, as not only is he fiendishly clever and pretty damn resourceful, but he knows the heroes' tricks too well. Still, the deck was stacked against him once Dancer got her powers back... probably a hard thing to factor into contingency plans.

And let us not underestimate the Shoggoth's ability to make any plot take a rapid unexpected 390 degree turn.

I thought Al and the Librarian would be the most interesting characters to turn "bad" because we could get to see how dangerous they are if they're not playing nicely.

> In any event, I'd definitely not allow Shrike to guard him. Since poster Al was just passing through last time, does this mean you're inclined to leave Al a villain for the time being?

I'm still undecided. I'm open to people's views.

> It was good to see Dancer in action again, naked or not it's always an impressive sight. It was accompanied by some rather brutal psychoanalysis from our villain. Sarah has a tragic side to her, as all the very best romantic heroines do.

That bit comes straight from Shep's own analysis of the character.

> I was also happy to see Marie is still about, albeit in a new, more "halfway" existence this time. She's welcome to haunt the lighthouse as long as she likes, although I know her true home is the mansion.

Again, I'm not sure what to do in the end with Marie. We already have one insubstantial woman blinking around the Mansion.

> And the Lined Up Legion assault on the forces of darkness to close the tale (and rescue Yo!) certainly put a smile on my face. Nice job!

When they assemble they can make quite an appearance.

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