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Subj: But then you can't sent assault squads in after the swarming alien vermin.
Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 at 07:44:17 am EDT
Reply Subj: You'd think secure facilities would just start using smaller ventilation ducts after a while.
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 at 11:04:22 pm EDT

> Not that I'm complaining, mind you... It's working out for Griffin, Glory and Anna, after all.

I suspect that Drury would have found then in five minutes flat - he probably had the space devised to attract fugitives. But Drury's not in the game yet.

> Of all the plans of action, I didn't really see them enlisting Ronnie as the first step... which likely makes it a genius move. After all, I don't think that's something that evil Al would see coming.

Right now the team need to work in Al B.'s blindspots, and he's more likely to take precautions against people who he respects as dangerous.

> And I enjoyed evil Al growing some ambition in his interactions with Edward. After all, who's the real brains of the outfit?

Evil Al may have been saved from a long-term career as a resident villain plaguing the LL by the sudden reappearance of Mr Lutwiche.

> The showdown at the Mansion was fun, and it was surprising to see the Librarian take control like that... I guess being replaced and left in limbo really makes him proactive. Now hopefully they can all work together to get out of this mess. One question though, are they safely shielded from Cromlyn's enhanced power?

I suspect Lee was upset over what his double had done to Marie. The besieged people are safe unless any of them are of weak mind.

By the way, as I commented in my reply to Jason, I expect that at some stage Hallie will recover her memory not through an overt technical solution but by some heartfelt and honest conversation with Vizh. You might want to provide that tie-in.

> Since my Lighthouse didn't seem to have Kerry or the others in it, I figured it was there from a previous time/owner. It does like to get around...

So many one-liner possibilities.

> Looking forward to seeing how this adventure all comes together next time!

I'm just hoping it will.

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