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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: We do.
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 at 11:47:49 am EDT (Viewed 367 times)
Reply Subj: Re: We do.
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 at 09:02:58 am EDT

> It might be intriguing to have Lara be the first contact with those new aliens of yours next. If anyone can sense their cloaked energy signature it's surely her. And it's another way of linking and progressing two sub plots.

Lara most likely will notice it if she goes near where the Lair Mansion used to be. I also bet the Carnifex knows about them too, but doesn't really consider them a threat - especially since it's one civilian ship rather than military.

> > > This will really hark back to our previous conversation about Liu Xi evolving and doing and being things she's not been before. I expect she'll face quite a lot of emotional and physical trauma before she gets to her "pay off" scenes with the Void Scholar.
> > Liu Xi is well aware that her previous patterns weren't terribly successful, so she would definitely be looking for something different.
> Noted.

Well she isn't insane. Insanity would be repeating the same unsuccessful things and hoping it works better next time.

> > Not really a narrative weakness, just the sudden turnaround in status. At first it looked like Liu Xi would be able to get out of her mess eventually and probably help rescue the others. Now it looks more like Liu Xi is in serious trouble and the others will recover and rescue her.
> Let's go for the third, unexpected option, whatever that turns out to be.

That Anna crashes the Helicarrier this time instead of Al B Harper?

> > > I haven't worked out the detail of how this all ties up yet.
> > You never know. Xander has designed weirder things before.
> And probably will again.


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