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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: We do.
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 at 02:01:17 am EDT (Viewed 369 times)
Reply Subj: We do.
Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 at 09:45:45 pm EDT

> > > > And you were commenting on Lara Night being a danger to the Parodyverse. At least she's not creating multiple paradoxes which threaten to destroy all of existence in the universe.
> > > It's almost as if Liu Xi was being set up as the fall girl.
> > The fall girl for what though? If all existence ends there won't be anyone to object.
> > Though that might create an interesting conflict, since as of her talk with Chiaki, Lara believes she might be in the Parodyverse to prevent its destruction (ironically enough, since some believe she may cause it).
> I expect we're talking long game here, anyhow. I know I'm playing one.

I figured that. Lara has done a lot of thinking about why Shema sent her to the Parodyverse in the first place. But remember, even if Lara's purpose is to prevent its destruction, there are two ways that's possible: Lara could be a well-placed subtlety to gently tip the scales over time (something Shema excels at), or her maximum power could be needed. Or maybe both. Either way, another trademark of Shema's is that she never really gives all the info - or people don't learn anything along the way.

> I have an overall framework in mind for the Saving the Future series. I expect we're about 60% through it now. The Carnifex has already outlined some plans for after that. I expect there to be one more "major" test for our heroes and then the Carnifex will finally move out of the shadows.


> > From Liu Xi's point of view, that won't matter if she believes he's going to kill her, or get her killed, somehow.
> This will really hark back to our previous conversation about Liu Xi evolving and doing and being things she's not been before. I expect she'll face quite a lot of emotional and physical trauma before she gets to her "pay off" scenes with the Void Scholar.

Liu Xi is well aware that her previous patterns weren't terribly successful, so she would definitely be looking for something different.

> > It's sounding like Liu Xi will probably have to be saved...again. Just when she might have been the world's savior.
> I does sound like that, doesn't it? But actually that would be a narrative weakness. The real job is to get people thinking "How the hell does she get out of that? How can anybody save her now?" and then give her her moment. As I say, that'll be a while yet.

Not really a narrative weakness, just the sudden turnaround in status. At first it looked like Liu Xi would be able to get out of her mess eventually and probably help rescue the others. Now it looks more like Liu Xi is in serious trouble and the others will recover and rescue her.

> In retrospect I hope it'll become clear how all the elements of our plotline were related and how various key characters got good development arcs. I hope.


> > Unless one of the small-time spells Xander gave her isn't so small-time after all.
> I haven't worked out the detail of how this all ties up yet.

You never know. Xander has designed weirder things before.

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