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Visionary may want to kill himself for this pledge later.
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Subj: I endorse and applaud your three stories a week pledge. Proceed.Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 at 03:58:01 pm EDT
| Reply Subj: We really need some new stuff on the board. I pledge to post 3 new stories this week. Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 at 01:19:20 am EDT |
> Yes, I know people go into some kind of posting stupor for Sunday through Tuesday for some reason, but we're getting into those dog days of summer early this year, and an extra bit of diversion certainly wouldn't hurt. So not only will I aim for three stories, but I'm going to aim for three stories that take place at different points in continuity, just to mix things up a bit. And because I have half-finished tales from the entire last year doesn't hurt in that regard, true.
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