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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Only from the heroes' perspectives.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 at 05:55:19 am EDT
Reply Subj: Re: Only from the heroes' perspectives.
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 at 04:56:02 pm EDT (Viewed 385 times)

> > > I guess the good news for Lara is when you can transport yourself across universes it's very easy to go into hiding.
> > What's the actual mechanism, though? Does she need to be able to concentrate, to mediate for a while, to build up power? Is she weakened afterwards or disoriented? Or can she just blink in and out casually at will?
> Lara Night is a living, constantly recharging battery - she absorbs energy from all around her and stores it constantly. Like a battery, she's at her maximum power when she's not exerting herself, and if she exhausts the power within her it's much more difficult to pull additional power from around her (unless she's lucky enough to have a large source of energy to draw from nearby).
> Running low on energy has a physical effect on her. She'll feel sore and tired like she's had too much excersize.
> That means there are three possible scenarios:
> 1. During a casual visit, transporting across universes just exhausts her power reserve, but since she's not using more power once she arrives, it doesn't matter much. It's like going for a long walk when you've eaten two hours ago and have nothing to do but relax with an iced tea when you're done. If she has to do it two or three times in a row, though, she'll get tired rapidly.
> 2. If she's forced to exhaust her energy reserve, she can pull in all the energy she can reach and do a panic transport out, but she'll be too exhausted to go back right away.
> 3. If there is something attempting to block her transports and she's forced to work around it, that would cause her to exhaust her energy reserve and become tired. Why? It's because her transports are point-to-point, so if she has to re-route it's like doing multiple point-to-point transfers to get where she's going. Like a flight with stops instead of a direct one.

The key question is whether she could do a transfer in combat, or whether it takes say five minutes or half an hour of calm concentration.

> The other big deal is that any time she transports into a universe it displaces some random energy. She doesn't really know where it goes - but presumably, if that energy is forcibly returned to the Parodyverse while she's there, she'd be forcibly ejected. They can't occupy the same space. The trick is how to find that energy and replace it (and that Lara can just come back later, and she'll be angry).


> > The main question this time would be whether the Chronicler would use it as an opportunity to revoke her visa.
> The only reason he'd have to do that is if a) he actually believes Lara can stop his greater plan, or b) the greater plan is to remove every last hero from the Parodyverse and make sure they can't return.

Other possibilities are that he believes she might pose a danger to the Parodyverse, that he believes her presence might stir up trouble, or that she's simply annoyed him.

> What might be interesting, though, is if the Chronicler decides to leverage Lara's power (probably Lisa's idea) and blackmails her into it. Like do what I ask or you'll never be welcome here again, and you'll never see the Lair Legion or Liu Xi again.

Anything's possible; however, the Chronicler will also be aware that Lisa is keeping an eye on him and has recently talked with Lara.

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