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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: More damn tourists!
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 at 03:27:10 pm EDT (Viewed 425 times)
Reply Subj: More damn tourists!
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 at 12:48:44 pm EDT

> It's an interesting start. I thought the descriptions of tech and equipment were particularly evocative.

I figured since everything is supposed to be somewhat alien it needed a lot of description.

> I hope there'll be more on the Shee-Yar survey sometime. They controlled dozens of plants, and none but their homeworld were ever described. They were an ancient civilisation given to hording captured treasures and secrets. There have to be some stories there.

Not for long, because if you noticed the Trading Alliance got permission for salvage rights from the Galactic government. Same rules as maritime salvage, approximately, that if no one is left alive to inherit/object everything physically under Company control becomes their property.

> Amongst the people who might be interested enough to explore the Shee-Yar space would be:
> The Z-Sox, as shown, for salvage


> The Skunks for territory
> The Skree for territory

I doubt those two know about the Trading Alliance. They'll probably find a lot of their ships disappearing on missions to Shee-Yar space, like the Z'Sox.

> The Yellow Flashlight Corps to find out what happened and whodunnit
> Gamma Ray Gary

They might have some mechanism to find out the Galactic Government OK'd the salvage operation, as they've probably been operating in the area for quite a while. At the very least they can get cooperation that way.

> The Naicluv, an indolent but higly advanced civilisation, out of mild interest

They're probably watching the salvage operation by now.

> The Intergalactic Order of Librarians, to save what data they can (they might even go so far as to hire passage on your new race's survey ship)

Though I didn't say so, presumably the IOL has a close relationship with the Galactic Government. The ship that went to Earth avoided detection by the Moon Public Library because that's one way the Galactic Government can find out where they went without permission.

> The Observers - it's their job to watch this stuff

They may be observing already.

> The Broob, for new breeding grounds

Depends how aggressive their tendencies are, and how patient they are. They could simply wait for the salvage operation to leave before moving in, that would be easiest. If they're more aggressive than that they may end up with ships disappearing too.

> Agents of Dark Thugos, to discover what happened and derive a protection against the same happening to Apocalyspe

I'm not sure what would happen to them. I suppose their craft may disappear too since they usually have aggressive tendencies. But it also depends how smart and well informed Dark Thugos is - he may already have contacts with the Galactic Government. In that case he'd know about the salvage operation and probably demand information. Since the Galactic Government are pushovers they'd probably give it.

If he's involved, the off-the-books mission to Earth may become VERY important, because the first thing Dark Thugos might do is decide to attack Earth just to protect himself from the Carnifex.

> You do realise that by flying alive out of the devastation zone then heading for Earth your crew have just become prime suspects, right?

That doesn't really make them suspects for wiping out a civilization, especially since they were dispatched to investigate the wipeout after it already happened. They had permission from the Company to investigate too.

The Company has permission for a salvage operation at Shee-Yar, and they know the ship in question was there. The worst the crew has done is violate Company policy by not getting permission first so far. If they talk to Sir Mumphrey then they've also violated Galactic Government rules of engagement.

Of course there's still the question of a race that doesn't understand the workings of the Galactic Government and the Trading Alliance looking for someone to pin the blame on.

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