| HH had to trype all of this since the board ate his previous reply
Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970 Posts: 618
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Subj: Re: Alright, I've read the new version, thus I can now comment!Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 at 07:24:11 pm EDT
| Reply Subj: Re: Alright, I've read the new version, thus I can now comment! Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 at 10:04:17 am EDT (Viewed 538 times) |
> > I seem to be having trouble receieving e-mail from some PVB posters. You could try hh at chillwater . demon. co . uk and see if that works any better than the others.
> That's weird, I replied to the message you sent regarding those scenes rather than write a new one, hoping it would get through then. At this point I don't think they're needed anymore, so unless you want to see them for personal interest don't worry about them.
I'd love to see them, or you could work them into a between-the-scenes tie-in anyhow.
All my e-mails are set to autoreply to my watsonhouse address. That's the account I've had for a decade now and it's the only one some of my clients and more infrequent correspondents know. But it's also the one that gets the most spam and has the least effective filters.
> > And Boseman's corpse is yours.
> Excellent. I'm on Page 3 of the next Doorman chapter which catches the series up to the Saving The Future series.
The other dead team members belong to Voodoo Vicaress, however.
> > > The Juniors are looking impressive, but unfortunately they just don't have the numbers to go up against this Purveyor's line-up.
> > Whereas the current LL do?
> Well, if the two teams combined we'd be getting closer to only 2-1 odds.
Perhaps it's time to consider that membership drive.
> > > Thanks for including DupliKate...I really need to write some more with her. I daresay I'm tempted to include her in the Doorman series but odds are that would be just plain mean.
> > Right now she's safe wherever Chiaki and Lara hid her - possibly St Jude's Orphanage since Chiaki's on retainer from Champagne to protect that place.
> Kate could staff the entire thing by herself if the other staff are unable to get to work due to the crime wave hitting the city.
There's your story, right there.
> > In the Imperium Guard's case they were pretty much directly lifted from a team who themsleves were meant to be a homage lift from DC's Legion of Super-Heroes.
> I didn't realize they were based on the Legion, but that makes sense. I knew Gladiator was a Superman-rip at least.
It's clearest in their earliest appearances. When they became recurring characters Marvel tried to blur things a little bit more. In the same way the earliest Shi'Ar spaceships clearly homaged Star Trek.
> I should probably do something to distinguish Gamma Ray Gary from Beta Ray Bill at some point. And while it was unintentional, D'ur almost seems like a copy of Kyle Rayner.
I liked the orignal concept of Beta Ray Bill, a hero who gave up humanity and hope to become the hope for his race of humanity. I liked his mission, his ship, his character. It was a shame that he suddenly got tangled up is Ausgardian affairs where he was always going to be second string. it's like Captain America suddenly and permanently developing spider-powers.
Simonson managed to pull it off in his original appearances. Later, when it became Bill's status quo, the limitations became obvious.
> > > I also liked Orankle sticking it to the Carnifex just to be defiant...well, I guess she stuck herself rather than the Carnifex, but you get my drift.
> > I wanted to show that even with all that power he can't always get his own way. Now he missed his TV shows for nothing.
> I hope Lara blacked out the power to his place so his Tivo didn't work.
font color="lightslategrey" face="Lucida Sans Unicode">The Esqualine Tower has its own power sources. In fact being what it is and belonging to who it does, it's better defended and altogether more awesome that the Lair Mansion and Herringcarp Asylum put together.
Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000
Saving the Future – Part 12: The New Lair Legions (and Other Heroes) - revised and corrected · The Hooded Hood introduces the new contenders and then thins the field · Wed May 14, 2008 at 02:35:03 pm EDT
I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying this run of stories. Thank you Ian & everyone! (no text) · champagne · Mon May 19, 2008 at 07:42:51 pm EDT
Okay, this was pretty much nail-biting stuff. You owe me some nail polish. (no text) · Dancer was also on the edge of her seat · Sun May 18, 2008 at 07:13:24 am EDT
Nice. Very Nice. · L! · Thu May 15, 2008 at 07:26:40 pm EDT
Now that those tweaks have been made, a fine quality story. [Spoilers] · CrazySugarFreakBoy! · Thu May 15, 2008 at 03:03:38 pm EDT
Cum mortuis in lingua mortua · Manga Shoggoth · Thu May 15, 2008 at 06:25:51 am EDT
Sorry I'm late...bad colds can be a pain. · Anime Jason · Wed May 14, 2008 at 11:42:34 pm EDT
Alright, I've read the new version, thus I can now comment! · Hatman · Wed May 14, 2008 at 11:21:29 pm EDT
Comments after I read this again; I was about to reply on the previous version (no text) · Hatman · Wed May 14, 2008 at 11:03:16 pm EDT
Intriguing in both versions! · Visionary · Wed May 14, 2008 at 10:58:55 pm EDT
You REALLY need to get a new e-mail. I sent my revisions to the piece you showed me TWICE already. [Spoilers] · CrazySugarFreakBoy! will offer an extended reply to the rest of the story later today, when time permits ... · Wed May 14, 2008 at 05:47:45 pm EDT
Well, that was dark (no text) · killer shrike · Wed May 14, 2008 at 04:55:44 pm EDT
Interesting. · Rhiannon · Wed May 14, 2008 at 04:20:04 pm EDT
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