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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: Re: Alright, I've read the new version, thus I can now comment!
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 at 11:49:58 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Alright, I've read the new version, thus I can now comment!
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 at 11:21:29 pm EDT (Viewed 608 times)

> I'm glad to see your daughter doesn't think this was too short...wow, that's a lot of story!

It certainly seems to be sprawling out.

> I can't tell if you got the e-mail I resent or not about Doorman...regardless I'm enjoying his involvement. In fact, there are a few story elements I can pull into the Doorman series, as long as you don't have any plans for Boseman's corpse.

I seem to be having trouble receieving e-mail from some PVB posters. You could try hh at chillwater . demon. co . uk and see if that works any better than the others.

And Boseman's corpse is yours.

> The Juniors are looking impressive, but unfortunately they just don't have the numbers to go up against this Purveyor's line-up.

Whereas the current LL do?

> Thanks for including DupliKate...I really need to write some more with her. I daresay I'm tempted to include her in the Doorman series but odds are that would be just plain mean.

Right now she's safe wherever Chiaki and Lara hid her - possibly St Jude's Orphanage since Chiaki's on retainer from Champagne to protect that place.

> The Carnifex sure doesn't mess around. I was definitely cheering for Gladeater to beat him; just the fact the Carnifex is a PV version of the Sentry makes me hate him. I did think while reading this you wiped out the entire Imperium Guard just to shorten the Who's Who.


Actually, where possible these days I try to steer the PV away from direct copies of existing comics characters. In the Imperium Guard's case they were pretty much directly lifted from a team who themsleves were meant to be a homage lift from DC's Legion of Super-Heroes. Since nobody's used the Guard since AG's early stories except me I decided we might manage without them. But as always, if somebody feels different they only have to write a story that brings them back. A bunch of them got slaughtered by the Parody Master too, so they've evidently got a Ra's Al Ghul-style Resurrection Pit stowed somewhere in what was the Shee-Yar Empire.

> Bringing back Wyrmbait was unexpected, but should lead to some scary consequences for the Juniors, especially Samantha.

That's the plan. It's not like we need the Juniors anymore.

> I also liked Orankle sticking it to the Carnifex just to be defiant...well, I guess she stuck herself rather than the Carnifex, but you get my drift.

I wanted to show that even with all that power he can't always get his own way. Now he missed his TV shows for nothing.

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