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I was looking for noise reduction pads for my Rock Band drum kit, and I noticed an artist on e-bay who was making his own designs. I inquired about getting some Spidey pads made, and while he normally doesn't take on custom jobs he agreed to do mine. These came out even better than I expected them to! He just e-mailed me a picture, they're still in the mail; I can't wait!
I don't have Rock Band (not out for the Wii, at least yet!), but my roommate has it for PS3, so I've had a chance to get hooked. I kinda doubt I can go back to Guitar Hero now. Kinda seems like 1/3 of a game in comparison, y'know?
I've noticed a lot of drum covers being sold lately, which is a pretty good idea (hitting the drums can be kinda loud). My favourite set, as a major Nintendo fan, has to be these: