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Subj: Dead but they won't lie down.
Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 at 11:42:19 am EDT
Reply Subj: Nice to see the gang make good use of thier off hours...
Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 at 01:12:46 pm EDT

> A great collection of fun scenes, which flesh out the gang considerably.

I felt they needed a focus issue so that people could actually understand why they're in the cast at all.

> I'm curious as to how Myra got hooked up with some big-league girlfriends so quickly, especially since Dancer wasn't working there to introduce everyone... But then I suppose with the Boss making waves, people are going to want to get to know what his crew is like. Either way, it's always fun to see Regret and VV.

This was really a meeting of the League of Molls. All three girls date powerful crimelord/villain types. it only seemed natural that they'd gravitate to some coffee klatch to talk about their experiences.

> The bookkeeper's library fine was a nice touch. It'd be interesting to find out how he managed to get himself a library card in the first place. And I don't even want to know what kind of taxes the MPL might have to pay.

I think that at some point L! should tell us a story about how people get to join the library.

> A very touching scene with Carlos as well. I admit, I always think about things like this when Messy (or any of the published heroes that he parodies) goes out on a "justice" spree. Or even alternate universe CSFB's (Sorry Kirk, but I am under orders to prod you into dealing with that...)

The Carlos scene was a last minute additon when I felt the chapter was running short and light, but I'm glad now that I included it.

> I enjoyed the Gamona scene (what with Jason's tie ins), but I still feel she needs rehab after being taken down so many pegs in the past. It's hard to see this as proof of Emilio being that good when it just reminds me that perhaps Gammy is simply overrated. Still, good to see that there's more than the Boss's touch that should make this gang able to play in the big leagues.

This was the scene that didn't quite come outof my head to the keyboard the way I wanted it. I was aiming for one of those narratives where you read it the first time with one set of assumptions then reread it and realise that something entirely different was going on. I don't think it quite worked here, but the idea was that this wasn't Emilio and Gamona fighting, this was Emilio and Gamona in foreplay (or technically afterplay).

And that being the case, this wasn't about who was the tougher fighter, exactly. This was showing another of Emilio's special skills.

> And the Champagne link was inspired... I always enjoy seeing more of her.

It's not like I kept Emilio's name a secret.

> Looking forward to the next bit!

It'll be a while off. I'm working to something of a plan about various supporting cast members I write, with things unfolding in a certain order. It's taking me longer to cover the events than I expected - the board moves slower than it used to and I've been distracted by Moderators and D&D forays - but I am slowly grinding through things to where I want to be.

As soon as I hear back from Scott on some material I sent him five or six weeks back I'll move forward with the next Tom Black arc, which picks up on Regret after this story here - and also includes some unexpected guest stars.

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