Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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killer shrike

In Reply To
jack Bryson

Subj: Its not very often that you see (spoiler race) as the protagonist
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 at 01:15:52 pm EST
Reply Subj: Tarnis
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 at 05:32:58 pm EST

> http://web.mac.com/jackbryson1/Site/Welcome.html
> Tarnis
> by
> Jack L Bryson
>     The Orc climbed the tree. He grabbed onto the trunk. He scooted up the trunk. When he reached the top, he took out his sword. He used his sword to knock down some peaches. They fell to the ground.
>     After he knocked the peaches off, the Orc climbed down the tree. When the Orc reached the ground, a wild tarnis ate them. The Orc took out his sword. He chased the tarnis. The tarnis yelped. It was a coyote like creature with hind legs like a rabbit’s. It ran from the Orc. It twisted and turned under the Orc’s reach.
>     The tarnis ran under a log. It got stuck. The Orc caught up. The tarnis wiggled under the log. The Orc walked around the log. As the Orc raised its sword, the tarnis got unstuck. He ran past the Orc. Then, he escaped under a thick hedge.
>     The Orc sheathed his sword. He followed the tarnis. He looked over the hedge. He couldn’t see the Tarnis. He shook the hedge. A rodent fled from the hedge. Then, he took out his sword and hacked at the hedge.
>     After he hacked away the hedge, he found a hole in the ground. He squatted on the ground and stabbed the hole. The tarnis dug his way to the surface. He made his escape several feet from the hedge.
>     The Orc caught the tarnis from the corner of is eye. He sheahted his sword and chased the animal. The orc had to stop after several minutes. He was sweating. He sat down on a flat rock. He stopped sweating. He stood up and started tracking the tarnis.
>     The Orc walked past broken branches. The tarnis left tracks. The Orc followed them. They led him to a lake. The tarnis was on the shore. It was drinking from the lake. The Orc approached the tarnis. The Orc walked slowly over the gravel and sand.
>     The Orc got closer. He unsheathed his sword. Then a dragon emerged from the lake. It grabbed the tarnis. The tarnis yelped and squirmed in the dragon’s grip. The Orc began to sheathe his sword. The tarnis yelped some more. The Orc kept his sword out. He took a deep breath and let it out. Then, he charged the dragon.
>     The dragon spotted the Orc. He blew a stream of fire. The fire blocked the Orc’s path. The Orc jumped through the fire. He ran up to the dragon. He lifted his sword above his head. The Dragon turned around. The Orc got hit with the dragon’s tail. He got knocked over.
>     The Orc got back up. He ran up to the dragon again. The tarnis yelped but didn’t let him go. The Orc stabbed the dragon in the foot. The dragon howled in pain and dropped the tarnis. The tarnis ran away into the woods. Then, the dragon kicked the Orc several feet back.
>     When the Orc stood up, the dragon went back into the lake. The Orc brushed himself off. He sheathed his sword. The tarnis slowly emerged from the woods. The Orc turned around. The tarnis crept slowly towards the Orc. He stuck out his tongue. Then he licked the Orc’s hand.
>     The Orc patted the tarnis on the head. He walked back into the woods. The tarnis followed.

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