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Location: Seattle, Washington
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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: Really? This tops Ian's stuff? Ok, I guess.
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 at 06:56:46 pm EST (Viewed 410 times)
Reply Subj: This is one of my favourite chapters of this round robin! Great job!
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 at 12:12:20 pm EST (Viewed 408 times)

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> The Moderator's Death Camp, Iowa.
> The night before the televised execution of the Spaced Fandoms'.
> Fred Harris, cadet of S.P.A.M. is on hand along with the rest of his detachment. They were given the night off to prepare for the festivities planned for the next day. Fred takes a car off base drives out to a place that hold a special place in his heart.
> Sure, it had seen better days but he can't remember when. He not sure why but there are gaps in his memories. He knows he was born there & grew up in Piney Oaks, the nearest man made thing to the Camp. He knows who his parents are or were. But he doesn't know why the town turned into the it's present ghostly state or what happened to his parents. Those events simply aren't there. He's tried to remember but nothing. There seems to be some sort of block there.
> Fred drives down the cracked pavement of main street & every so often something sparks a memory. But, before it can fully form, it fades. He's noticed a running theme the memories fade at just about the moment he begins to remember what he looked like at the time. Also, for some reason meat factors into all this. Now, he never truly been into the stuff. He doesn't mind it, he knows nutritional value of it but he wouldn't devote his life to it.
> He turns left of on a street which was missing it's sign & then drive out of town to rolling prairie. He parks the car & gets out. There on the side of the road was a wooden picket fence, the white paint had almost all but chipped off & near a rusted old gate was an equally rusted mailbox. One could faintly make out the word "Harris" painted on it's side.
> Fred opened the gate & walked down the now over grown path way to his childhood home's front porch, It was the only thing left of the house. He sat down on the step & looked out on the scenery around him. His mind began to think back to all the times he had sat there & looked out on the rolling hills. He think thought about the time he had fought members of The Grave Diggers & tried to direct them away from the house.
> "Wait? What? Grave Diggers? Who the heck are they?" Fred Thought.
> Then, the flood gates opened. He wasn't a cadet in S.P.A.M. He was someone else, part of another group. A group of Super Heroes? Super Villains? Something like that. He had powers, he controlled meat with them.
> "Wait. That can't be true. Who in their right mind would base a hero or a villain around meat?"
> Fred then got flashes of people he had fought & all he had done. It was simply to much so he past out.

> Shortly there after, a golden light shined down on the scene. It's was The Link shortly followed by Search Engineer in body number 4. They touched down a few feet from the past out young man.
> Link looked down on Harris, she knelt down beside him & brushed some of his blond hair out of his face. She then looked up at her fellow teammate. "Well?"
> "Well, what?"
> "What should we do about him?"
> "We certainly can't have him waking up knowing what he knows. It would put a serious monkey wrench in the Boss's plans."
> "Yes." She said said agreeing with him as she stood up.
> "So, I think we should just put back up the mental blocks, better mental blocks & return him to his group of cadets."
> "Should we get the Moderator involved?"
> "yes, of course. But I'll put the blocks in place & inform him what had happened. I hope he doesn't kill me: I'm only just getting a handle on this body."
> Link smiled & said. "I'd like to get a handle on that body of yours', too."
> She then giggled.
> "But what would Sigmund think?"
> "He'll think what he'll want to think."
> "Well, let's finnish this up & we can retire to..." The Engineer said. He paused thinking of a location. "The Lair Tower's file room?"
> "Fine by me."
> Search Engineer placed his hands on Harris' head & he closed his eyes.
> A few seconds later, he said. "There. Now Cadet Harris doesn't remember that he's remember his true life story."
> They both laughed.
> They turned to leave. Link stopped & asked. "Should we take him back with us?"
> "I know your kinky but a threesome? I don't know." He said with a wicked smile.
> "No. Not that. Should we drop him off at the Death Camp?"
> "No."
> Link shook her head in agreement & in a bright golden flash of light they were off.

> Fred woke up a few hours later. The sun had gone down. He was to be back before sundown, he hopes Captain Gillespie doesn't chew him out for this. He really wants to see those Fandoms' die.
> Fred wiped the drool off his face, got up & walked over to the car. He then drove back, while he did his mind wondered to a reoccurring dream he had. One of being something more then he was but he's knows he never will be.


> WRITER'S NOTES: When Ian revealed that the Death Camp was in Iowa & I had a introduced the Moderatorverse's version of Ham-Boy, Cadet Fred Harris: I knew I had to have him visit Piney Oaks, his hometown. But in the Parodyverse Piney Oaks was so connected to the Hero. They are like the Smallvile to Ham-Boy's pre-1985 Superboy. So, you'd have to delete all that hence the state of the city (My thinking for the missing street sign is that it's some street named after Ham-Boy). Fred's parents knew he was a super hero so they had go, too. I thought it was more interesting to have him have memory gaps then for him to know a complete other history. I thought about having remember how the world changed but didn't want to establish anything that might get established elsewhere or was already established elsewhere.
> I had Search Engineer show up with Link because I thought if he was going to be an alternate take on Lee Bookman I had to write him at least once.
> The Gravediggers are actually real foes of Ham-Boy. They are field team for the technology based cult known as E.C.O.L.I. HB has a wide rogues' gallery to choose from but I choose to use that name. I could have gone with The Disgruntles, the group of villain devoted to harming HB in some fashion. I could have gone with the politically inappropriate named Manga Nazi Party. Or my Apocalypse meets Ra's Al Ghul with a few hints of Dr Doom villian: Baron Wasteland. Or a few of the food related villains I've created (To-Fu or The Veggie Nation to name two). There are many I could have chosen but I went with one. This might of also been why Fred past out, so many Baddies to choose from.

I almost didn't write this because i wasn't sure if it was worth it. Then after I wrote it, I still found stuff wrong with it like it was to short, didn't go into all that it could have, some of the characterization was a bit off & again might not be worth posting. But, I guess it was!

The other stuff, I'm still not sure about. \:\)

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