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Subj: Bunch of hippies in their intergalactic love bus...
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 at 03:49:51 am EST
Reply Subj: One deleted scene deserves another
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 at 12:50:22 am EST

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The Moderator Saga Part Thirtysomething: The Great Escape

Mouse covered her ears. The loading bay doors to the storehouse that contained the spoils of the New Lair Legion were pried open. The bulky figure of Sigmund the Superlative Simulacrum ripped the titanium plating as easily as a person might tear off a sheet of Reynolds Wrap. To his left stood Search Engineer, his lantern lit and hanging from the end of the brakeman’s switch slung over his shoulder. He touched the brim of his cap and whistled.
“What a mess,” he drawled as he limped forward.

Indeed, the attendants of The Moderator had seen better days. Helen, glasses broken, clothing torn, was cradling the head of her college crush Muffy Framlicker, who happened to be sharing brainspace with another school chum Al B. Harper. The grotesque dwarf Flapjack was lying in a pool of his own blood, seemingly dead, but he did smile weakly when Link came from behind Sig.

“Just couldn’t keep away, huh, babe?”

“Hardly,” the young woman shot back, “We didn’t come here for you. Any of you.”

Brap looked around from the ruins of a sacrificial altar to Buto, “No? Zen why are you here? Surely it iz not to join the revolution?”

/The revolution is over. Moderator is dead./ Sigmund etched the news.

“Then we won?” Helen McAllister said haltingly.

Search Engineer smirked, “I suppose. Though I think you’re going to find the new boss every bit as bad as the old one. For as long as it lasts.”

The villain wove his way through several stacks of boxes to a large shape covered in a tarp, “Here we go. Clear a path, Sig.”

“For as long as what lasts?” Mouse stood and followed Search Engineer, ignoring the crashing sounds as the Simulacrum plowed his way up to the structure.

“This new status quo. It’s only a matter of time before the Deus ex machinas start flying around fast and furious, and I for one don’t want to be here when it happens. Hold these,” Search Engineer handed his accessories to Helen and took hold of the tarp. With a flourish he pulled it away, revealing a London AEC Routemaster, “All aboard the magic bus!”

Mouse watched as Search Engineer took the ring of keys from his belt and opened the door to the double decker, “This…. I remember this. This is the bus the Lair Legion used for its World Tour.”

“In another reality, yes. Which is where we’re going to be taking it. As far from Ground Zero as possible,” Link made her way onto the bus; sitting in the chair she would need to power the vehicle for their journey.

/Miss Link, are you sure you are up for this? That is called the Pain Chair for a reason. /

“I can handle pain, Sig, if it gets us clear from all the cosmic reckonings that the Engineer says are coming. Still, anybody got a Midol?” she joked.

“First rule of long distance travel is not to drive impaired,” Search Engineer said as he slid into the bus’s driver’s seat. He gave Helen a long look, “You know, we’d be willing to let you come along, provided you don’t try anything stupid like grow a backbone again. FramHarper too.”

“The pig stays, however. And so does Brap,” Link said severely.

Before, Helen would have considered it. But now, after seeing the courage her friends had shown against the overwhelming forces of The Moderator, she knew how wrong it would be to cut and run. No matter what came next, “No thanks.”

“Your loss,” Search Engineer swung the door shut and turned the ignition. The bus sputtered to life. It lazily turned towards the open bay doors, gathering speed as it went. Once outside it accelerated even more, until it became a golden blur. Then it was gone.


/Where are we?/ Sig asked as he exited the Routemaster. Judging by the Brubaker Boulevard street sign, they were still in Paradopolis, albeit one that seemed deserted of people.

“I don’t know,” Link admitted, “but it can’t be an Earth I’ve been to before. My powers only let me teleport to where I haven’t been.”

Search Engineer looked around, “So it’s a new setting then. A place for new stories, er, opportunities, I mean.”

/With just the three of us?/ the Simulacrum wasn’t so sure of the possibilities, unless perhaps their number decreased by one.

“Oh, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before others show. Villains to serve. Heroes to fight,” the Engineer said confidentially. He scanned the storefronts until one particular establishment caught his eye, “Until then, I think I have the perfect place to set up shop for ourselves.”


An intriguing exit, especially because it sets them up for the future. I hope some version of this scene still comes about.

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