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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
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killer shrike says keep up the good work!

Subj: Thanks!
Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 at 11:00:43 pm EST (Viewed 388 times)
Reply Subj: A potently poignant reunion
Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 at 08:31:06 pm EST

Previous Post


> "Why'd you do it, Kitten?" Thomas Gillespie asked.
> He didn't get an answer. His only granddaughter, Kat, just sat on the wooden bench in her cinderblock cell with her head hung low. She wore an orange polyester jumpsuit. On her feet were her combat boots with the little white skulls painted on them, they were only missing the shoelaces.
> Thomas was a bit surprised when he found out that she was been charged with treason for the promotion of terrorism, sedition, and conspiracy against the state. It also pained him even more that she would spend her last two days alive in jail.
> Thomas was dressed up in tweed suit jacket with leather patches on the elbows. Under that was a grey vest with a silken interior, a white button down shirt & a muted red tie. His pants were grey slacks. His patten leather shoes were buffed to a shine. He held his fedora in his hands, he fiddled with the hat's brim a few time nervously. His hair once thick black hair was now grey with sections turning white & he was slightly balding up top. His skin was wrinkled but his body had held up well for an 88 year old.
> "Did you do this because of the stories I told you as a kid?" he asked.
> There a few moments of silence. Thomas was about to asked another question when she answered quietly. "no."
> "Then, what was it? I know life at home wasn't all that great & that was why you came to live with me & your grandmother but becoming a terrorist?"
> "I'm not a terrorist!" Kat said angrily as she finally looked up at him. He could see that she had been crying.
> "That's what the authorities & the media are saying or will be saying. I'm sure your beloved Internet will be all the buzz at this." Thomas said. He almost wished he could take back the last comment.
> "All I did was make a few stupid cartoons." Kat said, still looking at the floor again.
> "I know. I know, Kitten. But your cartoons were directed at the Government & given the current state of things, that wasn't a smart thing to do."
> "I know that." She said pausing to wipe her nose with her arm. "Now."
> "Yes. Hindsight is 20/20. It's not like we have some magic pocket watch that can rewind time or something." Thomas said. He wondered why he said that, it almost didn't make sense but he vaguely remembered about something like that.
> "Plus, you should have seen this coming given that your Father does works for S.P.A.M. Or did last I heard."
> There was more silence, then Kat asked. "Have you heard from my parents?"
> "No. I would have thought that your Mother would have called by now. But, then I'm not sure they have my number anymore. It's been what, five, ten years since we've been in any sort of contact. Plus, given the way your Father treated her I'm not sure your Mother is even alive."
> "I know. I just thought that maybe he'd finally..." Kat paused to think about to say next. "I don't know. He's my Dad, you think he'd would have been here or made some sort of effort."
> "Yes. His job does or did, last I heard, afford him some luxuries. But, then his job always kept him slightly cut off from the world."
> "Stupid job." She said with a pout.
> "Yes, I know. S.P.A.M. is stupid." Thomas said.
> Kat raised her head & with a mischievous smile said "A Comment like that could get you arrested."
> "It's nice to know you haven't lost your since of humor." Thomas said with a bit of chuckle.
> There was more silence. Thomas thought of his son & what he could have done differently. What happened if he had stopped him from join S.P.A.M. all those years ago? Kat thought over her life & thoughts of how the world is wrong kept popping up. Then, her mind wondered to thoughts of Chet & Remy. There was also someone else from the dreams: a woman. Her name started with a G? a J? Something like that. Before Kat could think any further, a metal door slid opened.
> Then, a small group of S.P.A.M. agents marched in. They were all dressed in riot gear. They were lead by a man neither of the Gillespies' thought they'd see. He stood about six feet tall, maybe a little taller. He looked about middle age or was approaching it. He wore a pair of horn rimmed glasses, behind them are a pair of blue almost slate grey eyes. His brown hair is slicked back & was cut in a very conservative manner. His face showed some signs of aging. His complexion was average. He wore the uniform denoting that of a high ranking S.P.A.M. agent.
> The group stopped in front of Kat's cell.
> "Father." The man said with a slight nod.
> "Son." Thomas said. He had a look of anger on his face.
> "Ah, Governor Gillespie, I should have expected to find The Moderator to be holding your leash. I recognized your foul stench when you entered the room." Kat said with a wry smile.
> He raised one eyebrow & gave a slight puzzled looked. "It's not Governor, Kitten. It's Captain, Captain Gillespie."
> "Yes, I know that. But calling you 'Governor' makes the reference work so much better." Kat said with the same wry smile but it faded. She then said. "Also, You have no right to call me that name." Kat said angrily.
> "What? Kitten?" He mocked.
> Kat gave a slight nod in agreement.
> "Why not? I am not your Father." He mocked.
> Kat smiled a bit remembering something. The smile faded & she then said. "Yes, by blood. But you stopped being my father long ago."
> "Why? You think a washed wanna be Super Hero made a better father figure then a successful member of the our glorious leaders' regime?" Captain Gillespie said as he pointed between his father & himself.
> "Yes." Kat said. There was no indecision in her voice.
> Captain Gillespie turned to her father & said. "Visiting hours are over."
> He motioned to have 2 young members of his platoon to come forward. "Cadet Hermes & Cadet Harris, please escort Mr. Gillespie & make sure that he leaves. We can't have another security breach, we've already filled our quota for the millenium."
> "Yes. Sir." They both said in unison.
> They went to grab ahold of him. Thomas raised his hands to stop them, they did.
> "Son?" Thomas said putting his left hand of his Son's right shoulder.
> Captain Gillespie turned his head back toward his father. "Yes?" he said spitefully.
> "Isn't there something you can do to free Kat? She's your daughter, for god's sake!"
> "Yes. There is." He said. Thomas' eyes lit up a bit but darkened when he realized his son was only pausing. "But all those would be going against our glorious leader. Plus, she said it herself: she's no longer my daughter."
> There was a hint of sadness to his voice, but it quickly disappeared. He turned his head back to the prisoner.
> Thomas looked one last time at his granddaughter, said his goodbyes'. He then put his hat back on & walked off followed by the two young cadets.
> Captain Gillespie snapped his fingers. Another Cadet walked up with keys & unlocked the door. Then, two other Cadets' entered the cell & restrained the prisoner. They then lead her out of the cell.
> Once out in the hallway, they stopped beside the Captain. He said condescendingly "See what your infatuation with Art has gotten you into." Then, a large insincere smile spread across his face.
> She stuck her tongue out at him.
> "How mature." He said & then said to the Cadets. "Take her to the Truck with the others."

> A short while later, in the truck. Kat looked around & saw other of the people there were women. A few were Asian, a few others were probably old enough to be her Mother. There was one blond woman dressed up in a weird black & white jumpsuit with matching cape. She had a blank look on her face. The woman next to Kat introduced herself as April.
> "You know where were going?" Kat asked.
> "Not exactly. I've heard some talk of Iowa."
> "Why Iowa?"
> "Maybe because there's no chance of escape, just cornfields for miles."
> The two laughed. But it was cut short when the driver scolded them. "Be quite! Don't make me pull over & hit you. The Moderator wants you all alive for the moment. But, he never said anything about not using lethal force on you."
> The two women tried to keep their giggling contained, but it was hard.

> (for now)

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