> > > > But after seeing "Beowulf" in digital 3-D, I'm sure Angelina is up for the part as described in the dream. ;-P
> >
> > > Oo, I haven't seen it yet. Any good?
> >
> > Some of Angelina Jolie's parts are excellent.
She's not my favorite virtual woman, but she *did* look good in 3-D.
As for the movie itself, I'd definitely recommend it to people who can see it in 3-D... I saw it at the local theater, not even in IMAX, and it was really fun to see. That said, I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend seeing the non 3-D version. It's a solid film, but doesn't have much going beyond the visuals. The characters aren't all that interesting, and aside from a clever twist on the classic to tie the legend together a bit more (nice work, Neil Gaiman), the plot is pretty straight forward.
But the 3-D really does make it like a theme park ride.