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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
Posts: 2,834
Subj: A fool and his money...
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 at 11:47:18 am EST
Reply Subj: Most of us did that already.
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 at 10:40:41 am EST (Viewed 322 times)

> > > Well it's part point of view. If they ask Lara she would try to figure it out from the way her own abilities work - which means moving the contents within the elevator.
> Lara could probably demonstrate how she would do it, but she'd have to be in the elevator with them or watching on video (which won't work in the dark unless it's an infrared camera).  She might conclude then that it's some sort of mechanism that automatically targets everything but human flesh.

We've seen humans disappear before though, too.

> > > Liu Xi instead would believe that the elevator isn't just one elevator when they get in, and they're actually getting out of the same elevator they stepped into but don't realize it. She wouldn't be able to explain the missing items though.
> That also reflects that Liu Xi's thought processes can be simultaneously complex but very simple at the same time.  

She can be confusing in two languages.

> > For this story I'm trying to test how easy or hard it is to tell a tale concentrating solely on the cut-down Legion, so bringing in ringers would defeat the narrative purpose.
> In this case the ringer can help them figure out how it's done but not who or where.  And even then, she might be wrong because her experience is limited by her own abilities.

I'm also trying a cut-down narrative style that strips out the rambling asides I sometimes use, to try and establish a frenetic fun pace.

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