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HH notes how these things spread in the Parodyverse

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Subj: Well, not until you suggested it just now.
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 at 11:37:18 am EST
Reply Subj: Windmills are looking like a pretty good energy solution right about now. They rarely break free and try to kill you.
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 at 09:32:53 pm EDT

> So that's what Mr. Trenchcoat is up to (is he even a real doctor? I want to see a diploma.) Or, he was. Or is. I'm not really sure what state he's in now. Other than Florida. (Isn't that where the swamp is?)

I think it's acrually across the border into Georgia, if I'm remembering my geography right. I actually looked it up for the story so it's written somewhere in Part 1.

> Some fun interaction between Vinny and Liu Xi... I'm not surprised his business isn't doing better, considering how easily he gets distracted. Not that Liu Xi's various parts aren't sufficiently distracting. I'm sure they're quite nice. Well, not personally sure... I've not... Nevermind.

Vizh and Vinny could very easily have a misunderstanding-babbleathon.

> In any event, there's something about this kid that I like. Don't know why.

He makes Vizh look like the cool confident one?

> Letitia's plans might find a crimp in them once she realizes exactly what kind of energy source they were aiming to tap into there. I'm not sure it's the kind of thing you can give freely to the world. Not that I want to be billed for it, mind you.


> A fun and creepy tale, and I look forward to the next part!

I'm hoping it will be a final part.

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