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killer shrike

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Subj: Solidarity,brother!
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 at 08:48:02 am EST
Reply Subj: So I assume people here have joined the writer's strike...
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 at 08:06:11 am EST

There's so little first run television I watch now I can't really say the strike is going to affect me, outside of "Daily Show" and "Colbert".

And you really shouldn't make jokes that comment on the lack of board participation; apparantly it scares posters off. \:\)

EDIT: That third Bigfoot picture shows us why they're so hard to spot. If I could do that I wouldn't ever leave my cave either.

> So most every television show is shutting down, some earlier than expected now that the writer's guild has gone on strike. Many had counted on the fact that sitcoms and dramas had a good 4 or 5 unfilmed scripts to work from that would get them into January before production shut down... However, the studios didn't count on the fact that many of the lead actors and the show-runners were in the guild as well and would refuse to do "non-writing" duties on a show as well. As the creators of various shows noted, casting, editing, scouting and the like are all too closely related to working with the script for them to feel comfortable continuing to do them. "The Office", "Heroes", "Pushing Daisies", "40 Rock" and more are going to have to make do without their showrunners or even some of their main stars as well as without writers.
> In other news, another mangy animal was photographed leading people to declare "It must be a juvenile bigfoot!". Well, that or a really hairy wood nymph. Or, you know... a bear with mange, as many animal experts have noted. In any event, judge for yourselves:
> http://www.bfro.net/avevid/jacobs/jacobs_photos.asp

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