> Iron Man: *Hiccup* They won't let me in on the planning for the next crossover. They are sooooo mean *Hiccup* My plan would have worked too...just had to get everyone to sign on for massacaring the state of Maryland. Who the *hiccup* needs 'em? And then the Sentry would have saved us!
> Ms. Marvel: I know! And they keep calling me Ann Coulter now!
> Sue Richards: So, Reed, going to be building some type of miracle machine to save the day in the big crossover?
> Reed: Yeah. You know, after going thru the last couple, where all I did was help Tony oppress everyone else, it feels good to be doing something heroic again. So I'll be building my transdimensional matter converter with inverse tachyon and...what?
> Sue: I am so hot for you right now.
> Spider-Woman: Why is no one talking to me about my having a part in the crossover? I'm a Brian Bendis favorite! Shouldn't I get a big part?
> Spider-Man: Yeah, actually you do. You'll have a 3-issue tie-in miniseries where all you do is talk to various people about how you have no idea what side you are actually on and whine about how ineffective and unfairly treated you are.
> Spider-Woman: And you'll...?
> Spider-Man: Tell you stuff about power and responsiblity while cracking jokes and being inspired by Captain America to go beyond my limits and make a difference. You know, what superheroes are actually SUPPOSED TO DO.
> Hercules: And verily in the course of this event, we shall truly learn which of is truly the Prince of Power, friend Cage!
> Luke Cage: You can be the Prince of Power, I'll be the John Coltrane of Power, Honky
> Black Widow: I can think of other ways to settle this..
> Beta Ray Bill: So, after we swoop in as part of the Calvary and save the day...?
> Thor: Aye, my brother in arms, we shall deliver a smiting of much righteousness upon the brows of Cage and Hercules!
> Beta Ray Bill: Man, I missed you.
> Hulkling: Stop looking at me like that
> Captain Marvel: Like what?
> Hulkling: Like you are trying to figure out whether I have your eyes or my moms. I'm a shapeshifter. It doesn't work like that.
> Captain Marvel: Sorry
> Ben: Alright! So it's me and Hawkeye making the heroic last stand to hold off the big bads until Cap races in with the Calvary!
> Hawkeye: Br'er Hawkeye and my man Grimm are in for some major playtime! Burn, Torch!
> Torch: ooooh, Funny.
> Wolverine: Hey, this crossover sounds classic and pretty good overall. How did you get this past Quesada and Millar?
> Captain America: Millar is currently in a flamewar with Harry Knowles for slamming the "Wanted" film and Quesada is campaigning for Guiliani. I've also got Bendis busy writing inconsequential tie-ins and JMS is too busy recycling his Babylon 5 scripts for "Squadron Supreme". So, Jeff Parker is running this one.
> Wolverine: Wow, good plan
> Captain America: I've been the leader of all these crossovers for a long time. You learn how to do things right. I'm not taking another dive again. I've even got a nice speech to tell off Sally Floyd as I save her from the big bad. So, we'll do OK
> Wolverine: Man, I missed you.
> Captain America: Yeah, it's good to be back inspiring people to be better than themselves. It's best work you can find.
> Mr. Cynical

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