> > I got a laugh thinking to myself of what would happen if Boss Deadeyes ran into Liu Xi, since he hates foul language so much.  What if he's being cursed at in two languages?
> He'd take it as a sign of disrespect from a dame who got no class.
Fortunately Liu Xi means it as disrespect.  She might take exception to someone implying she has no class though.
At least she's not as foul mouthed, in English at least, as Vicky Cameron.
> > Boss Deadeyes is one of my favorite side characters and I've been waiting far too long for his next adventure.
> I meant to get this one finished and out there long before this.
Sounds like nearly every story I'm working on right now.
> > Guess it's good that he hasn't decided to go after the Zoot Suit Gang or Akiko Masamune yet.  Though I'd think he knows doing that would destabilize the crime world.
> Both those organisations get referenced and contexted next time.
I wonder if Boss Deadeyes would appreciate the Zoot Suit Gang.  Coming from the era he does, he might think Frankie's gang are snappy dressers with some real class.