Previous Post
I don't guarantee to go with what the survey suggests, but it might help encourage me to write one particular thing over another. So should I put up:
Boss Deadeyes #3: Ventredi's Way
Tom Black #5: Offers You Can't Refuse
Untold Tales of the Lair Legion #323: What Goes Down, or Intimate Spaces
Obscure Parodyverse Tales #15: Dance of the Dead Men
Avengers: Underground #11: Fear and Loathing
Lair Legion Year One #7: The Secret Origin of Wilbur Parody
[New spoiler villain series] #1: The Lady and the Tiger
As much as I'd like to see them all, since there were recent Boss Deadeyes and Tom Black posts, the next would be Untold Tales. And then back to Tom Black, and then Boss Deadeyes, etc. It's loosely the strategy I use when I think about what to post next.