> This was so much better than my Hatman/Harvester fight...
I would disagree. While the developments of this chapter have been planned for a while, your knock-down, drag out fight between Hatty and Harvester helped inspire me to get to writing this one.
> you truly have a gift for writing articifial intelligence/mechanical characters. Sometimes I forget just how good you are at action scenes and then you remind me with something like this.
Thanks. I'm really not comfortable writing action, though I found writing Joan to be fun because you could mix the high and low tech... Processors and sensors and boilers and flywheels... there was something to the combination that made it fun to describe.
> And if Joan needs some help with payback, Harvester has no love for the Machine Shop...
When the big fight with the Machine Shop finally comes someday, it's going to be quite the line-up on the other side.