> ... He's lost his playful or childish sides, as much as he's gained a collection of other character traits to accompany them. His daughter certainly enjoys his ability to be childish, after all, and before too long, both Bettie and April will be playing with him together.
I don't think he lost it either.  I do think he isn't exhibiting that reckless playful side all the time and more because he can't.  Being thrown into a role of leadership when Hatty disappeared, having children and a wife to worry about and protect (i.e. he can't "not care" if someone threatens him because now it puts his family in danger too).  I wouldn't say it's enough to turn him serious, just that he's not as carefree and reckless as he was.
The good part to that is maybe he'll see Hatty's point of view more often so they won't have a fight like that last one.