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Subj: Seeing as it's been about ten years since I first walked into the BZL...
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 at 09:56:40 am EDT (Viewed 396 times)

How's it going?!?

I figured as I haven't really spoke with anyone but Bry, Greg or Neil that it might be time for me to pop back in and give a bit of an update.

I've been fairly busy in the last while, with only one excuse. I'm getting married in October. Do I eventually plan on doing a giant recap/revamp on Exile in the future. Maybe, I've been toying with the idea for a while now, and seeing as I actually have some free time again, I actually have the chance. I'm just going to have to convince my deadbeat cousin to do the same. \:P

In case anyone is wondering, my MSN is still the same, though I did have to change my AIM. Both are in with my info.

Look forward to catching up!


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