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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
Subj: Writer's Block
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 at 01:27:34 pm EDT (Viewed 543 times)


I'm not sure what to write next. I've got some ideas but there are some things that are preventing me from completing them. One overarching thing is that most of my ideas conflicts with the Land that Common Sense Forgot/Saving the Future story line(s) that are going on. It's mostly "Oh, I can't use them since they are elsewhere", but that isn't all that big of a problem you just add a simple line in a footnote or a header note that the story takes before all that (That works for most of the ideas. Except for one where the set up for future stories takes place during the LtCSF/StF story line(s).)

The bigger problems are I don't know how to get the story ideas I have to an end. All are Catherine/Chad & Ronnie centric. I don't have firm titles for these ideas but I have some working titles: "The Cult of Chad & Ronnie", "Who is Mr. Spooky?" & "Revenge of *SPOILER CHARACTER*".

With the Cult story, I have written a beginning to the story. I've set up the story: time, location & introduced most of the central characters. But I'm not sure what to do once I have everyone together. I'm just not sure why the Cult even needs to be in existence. It was an idea that sounded funny & that it had all sorts of story possibilities but I'm just not sure anymore. I was thinking about maybe tying in this cult with another one that had recently lost there Master but there's no easily accessible info on them, sure their Master has his own Who's Who entry (I think he might even have 2) but little to nothing about his cult. So, that idea put aside for the moment.

The Spooky story is an even less defined story in my mind. I'm not even sure who Spooky is! If I don't, why do a story explaining who he is? I've got who he's based off of, which I doubt I'd be able to reveal him as such. It would be bring up lots of questions, It might even screw up the Parodyverse/plans of other writers'. Then there is a other idea I have for who he is which could maybe work, it could screw up stuff but it would only screw up my stuff since Spooky would be revealed as one of my characters reworked to be Spooky. On the upside, this idea did spark an idea for the use of the Moon Public Library (Lee would be mentioned but not seen since he's elsewhere). This would also given me a chance to "borrow" things from a few certain resent (resent to me) "Doctor Who" episodes. I've got more ideas for the MPL portion of the story then the rest of the story. Well, I have a kind of idea for the end which would make the rest of the story a moot point but I'd only go for that if I couldn't figure out anything else to do.

The Revenge story idea spun out of an idea of who I've been feeling at Work. I took those feelings/thoughts & imbued those to a Catherine at work story which could easily happen. Then, why what I had in mind to have happened brought up thoughts of *SPOILER CHARACTER*. But, then I'd need to consult with someone else to see where he is in the grand scheme of things. So, that's about all I had, there were few other things that he might do to her but at the end I felt like I wanted to have everything back to a status quo but if that's what was going to happen why do the story at all?

There a few other stories but they tie into LtCSF/StF & those are on the back burner. I just wanted to do something in the mean time but then all this happened.



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