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Subj: Video fun: Team Fortress 2 trailers
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 at 02:49:01 pm EDT

Team Fortress is a fairly simple first person shooter video game in which you get together with your friends online, form a military team and play your basic shooting games against other teams: Capture the flag, Deathmatch, that kind of thing. It's main distinction is that it allows players to choose between 9 special classes to play as, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

There is no story to the game... It's as deep as going to the paintball range with your buddies. Which makes the fact that the developer produced these great little character introductions all the more surprising. What's even more surprising is that new videos are still coming out, even though the game itself shipped last year. They just released "Meet the Sniper" this week.

They have a big following on line, even among people who have never played the game before (like me.) I've collected the You Tube versions below to share... A content warning though, they can get somewhat gory... super cartoony though they are.

In the order they were released:

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