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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
Subj: He Returnth!
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 at 01:22:43 am EDT (Viewed 348 times)

Yup! I, the person known to you either as Brian or as L! has returned from whence I went to and I'm a little lucky that I even returned at all. I went to the Mid-West & you know what time it's out there: Tornado Season! (In case your ever in Denver & there is a Tornado: head for your nearest Bathroom, they are designated as Shelters). But this ain't not ordinary Tornado Season but it's turning out to be the deadliest one on record (The season isn't over yet). Thunder, Lighting Storms & the aforementioned Tornados' were around me but I wasn't in any of them (The most I got was heavy rain). But this was only about have of what the weather was like like. The other half of the time it was humid & muggy. I sweated a lot.

So, I am back. I did manage to check in once or twice while I was gone (Just to see if the PV had gone & died on me). There has been 20 new posts since I last posted (!!!!) so I got those to look over, reply to people's replies to my last story, post my answer to the QoRN, update my Blog with pictures from my Trip. I might also get in some writing (Not sure what I'll write but I'll come up with something).

The PV in Real Life:
- In the St. Louis area (and maybe others but I've only seen the in St. Louis) is a hotel/motel chain called "Drury Inn" but I saw one location with the first "r" burnt out in their sign so it read: "Dury Inn" & I thought of the Parodyverse.
- In Iowa many roads are just labeled with letters & sometime the letters are repeated. I saw one road called "HH".
- This is a bit of a stretch but it's where my mind went, I was on a military base & they had signs up the read "No Hat No Salute" so my mind went to Hatman.
- One of the Hotels I was in the Elevator, to fit on the button the words "Lower Lobby" were shortened down to "LL" & my mind thought "Lair Legion".

So, I'm back. Now I need a vacation from my vacation.


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