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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Shoes with discount stickers on them. And possibly the blood of rival shoppers.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 at 05:59:13 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Shoes with signs on them?
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 at 01:13:49 pm EST (Viewed 926 times)

    You'll be surprised how fast you get over needles. For the rest, think of a change of diet as motivation for trying new stuff.

I also apparently have to go to six weekly half-day courses on How To Have Diabetes Properly.


      Well, early on we populated our stories with useful simulacrae in service of telling a quick fun tale. Later when we were in it for the longer haul we developed more complex pastiche or original characters. That's a natural progression for a developing fictional universe.

    It also works out better for me because I tend to get myself in trouble with many other people's characters.

It can be simpler to torture your own creations. I know I do.


      Where we are now is different again, I'm afraid. We're no longer active enough to attract new posters brigining whole new narrative strands. There are a diminishing number of readers but they are more or less "experts" in the PVB. I'd probably not have written the current UT story arc for a board that was trying to include new readers, but I think it suits the actual audience.

    We're also up against a different mentality. I've said this for a while now and it still holds true: Facebook has just about killed message boards. It eats up a lot of time, and feeds a lot of people's want/need to be famous to the point where they let everything else drop off of their radar. It's really tough to compete with.

I've never used Facebook or other social media like it so I wouldn't know. Publishers keep telling me I have to join Faceboot and Twitter to promote my books and "develop an author platform" and so far I have resisted the call.

    The reason I prefer message boards for written stuff is on Facebook people share and repost it, and you lose control of it. If you wanted to make a correction? Too bad. The error will be there for all time.

Yours is the only message board I've ever used that has a competent edit function, actually. Certainly Comicboards (back in the day when I used it, c 1999-2005) and Sigma.net didn't have such things.

    By the way, this message board software did have a cross-post system to let people post both to Facebook and here. FB disallowed it pretty quickly - they WANT exclusive content, and its users are more than happy to oblige.

That might ultimately be a poor business choice for them. Short-term gain over long-term integration.


      Speaking of UT, I really intend to sit down and write some today. As I intended yesterday, and all last week. I'm still trying to get to grips with how my current condition is affecting my creative drives. Deadlines are looming.

    It took me a while to find the time, too. Then this idea struck, and I wrote it quickly before something else came along and interrupted it.

It wasn't the time, it was the capacity to make effort. I'm getting back to normal now. Story up later today all being well.


      [Hacker 9] is also only nineteen, and is one of the rather short list of people who have taken over the Earth twice so far (with Zemo and the Hooded Hood; I can't recall a third).

    Hallie, I believe.

If so it has slipped my mind.

    Imagine also that Lara is somewhat famous, which means she'll be invited as a guest at a comic con, and when she arrives in civilian clothing people say "get out of here, kid" and ask where her dad is.

Does that sort of thing happen at Comicon?

    And even in-costume the most common comments she gets are "You're shorter than I thought you'd be" and "You're soooo cute!"


My son just showed me Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (which I thought was very good). The main character there doesn't take well to those kinds of comments either.

    That's why they'd [the heroes] really have to worry about Liu Xi. She's not proven to be unstable, but she does have quite a temper, and a lot of people constantly trying to push her over the edge.

    What they might not realize is it's making her stronger and more fearsome.

That's what character arcs are for, to cover these kind of issues in an interesting way/

    And they still don't really know what Faite is capable of. Only that she's a withdrawn and a little weird.

I think they probably don't concentrate on Faire because she gently steers their attention elsewhere, maybe even without consciously doing it.She's all about the little present changes, after all. "Yeah, that Faite kid... ooh, puppies!" It's a bit like how people improbably don't connect how much Dancer looks like Sarah Shepherdson.


      I never got round to telling that Lighthouse origin story, did I? Shame.

    Not that I remember...

I'm pretty sure Vizh should get off his backside and write that one. He's way overdue with a story anyhow.