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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: And shoes.
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 at 05:06:51 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: She does seem to like signs.
Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 at 05:36:36 pm EST (Viewed 975 times)


      I'm supposedly "off work" for two weeks, which is just as well as I keep falling alseep.

    Is it that cold/flu going around?

Sudden onset diabetis, apparently, with some interesting blood sugar and insulin levels. I'm now having to educate myself about such things. Apparently the ongoing treatment includes a number of things of which I am not fond, including needles, diets, and exercise.

    I stopped using near copies as well around the time I started reading Adam Warren's Empowered, and how easy it was to make up and integrate multiple new throwaway characters.

Well, early on we populated our stories with useful simulacrae in service of telling a quick fun tale. Later when we were in it for the longer haul we developed more complex pastiche or original characters. That's a natural progression for a developing fictional universe.

Where we are now is different again, I'm afraid. We're no longer active enough to attract new posters brigining whole new narrative strands. There are a diminishing number of readers but they are more or less "experts" in the PVB. I'd probably not have written the current UT story arc for a board that was trying to include new readers, but I think it suits the actual audience.

Speaking of UT, I really intend to sit down and write some today. As I intended yesterday, and all last week. I'm still trying to get to grips with how my current condition is affecting my creative drives. Deadlines are looming.


      Well, [H9] is a smart teenager, so yes.

    He'd probably get along with Lara, then. She tends to let know-it-alls be know-it-alls without arguing about it. Specifically because it's less stressful. If he can bring himself to talk to her, that is.

Hacker 9 is an interesting sort of adversary. He's really a superpowered online social justice warrior, Anonymous in comic book form. And now he's also got the abilities of a Herald of Galactivac, which seems to allow him access to all kinds of short-cuts and back doors, amplifying his abilities. But he is also only nineteen, and is one of the rather short list of people who have taken over the Earth twice so far (with Zemo and the Hooded Hood; I can't recall a third).

    Making Lara short and slim enough to occasionally mistaken for a kid was inspired directly by a good friend of mine. She is often asked at stores and cons, "Where are your parents?" It's a running joke by now. Lara's issues are not nearly as extreme, but it makes it so she has difficulty being taken seriously.

My wife has the same problem, being "carded" well into her thirties.


      [Major potential destructive power] the kind of plot that can only be exploited so often, though, without becoming repetetive.

    It can manifest in other ways that are interesting, like certain Legionnaires might become suspicious or distrusting of her because of that new-found power. Because she gets herself in real trouble so often, and because in her past she lost her temper and set fire to a man. They might not believe she can control herself.

The LL has generally been tolerant of major-disaster-potential powers and characters. Theoretically Dancer, Kerry, the Shoggoth, Jarvis, Starseed, Shaper, etc. all have or had the ability to end planets. Undoubteldy others could manage it if they set their minds to it, such as Al B., Hatman, Sorceress et. al.

The problem comes when the person with that power is considered unstable or untrustworthy. Someone with class omega reality-warping powers like Mad Wendy or Eddie the Imp, someone with proven antisocial tendencies and vast energy projection like Dr Roentgen, or someone with a history of misue of power like Baroness von Zemo are likely to provoke restraint.

On the other hand, the LL has welcomed certain allies in extremity, including the Doomherald and Danny Lyle. They have even tentatively allied themselves with the Hooded Hood, who is definitely on the has-power-to-end-worlds spectrum but is highly unlikely to use it except in extremis.


      Which tells you even more about the queue of things waiting to annoy Visionary.

    I'm sure if worms could see, they would have gone after the lighthouse by now.

I never got round to telling that Lighthouse origin story, did I? Shame.

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