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Anime Jason 

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Most of those creatures aren't intelligent enough to have "sides" but they'll certainly be on the roof.

Subj: As long as they aren't 30 foot fire ants.
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 at 04:46:36 pm EST (Viewed 868 times)
Reply Subj: Especially the 30-foot long ones from the nuclear Wasteland north of Gothametropolis.
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 at 03:07:47 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    ** Insert usual comment about getting it finished and out here **

I actually did post about half of it last year, and then everyone disappeared and I never got around to finishing it.


      Most likely Yuki would assign someone like Nena to go with Chiaki.

    There will be some interesting choices for the entire robot community to make on which "side" to take.

Or maybe there will be 3 sides, and many of the robots will have an imperative to kill all humans.

    The LL strtaegy - and Sir Mumphrey specifically - will want to make provision for what happens if the energy specifically target entities like Faite. After all, the way to eliminate an opportunist is to act before they have any opportunity.

He might not have to. Faite would have thought of that and set traps of her own.

    What we'll probably see is the dispersal of some assets - I'd imagine the ones who aren't the obvious "punch them/zap them" types - to other asset bases that are not ground zero on Parody Island. The LL has plenty of allies across the Earth and beyond. There's no reason that Faite can't function as well from Caph or from Deep Faerie as she could from the Lair Legion Living Room.

I did consider that Yuki or Sir Mumphrey might put all of their most powerful assets someplace completely out of reach so that she can keep them in reserve without the enemies coming for them first.

But not *too* far out of reach, because Yuki in particular believes the toughest part of this battle would be recruiting. Villains who go to more grey-area allies of the Lair Legion and attempt to turn them, possibly with promises that they'll be on the winning side, or untruthful reassurances.

    There will/would probably be three phases: a frantic first assault where lots of pre-prepared atacks and defences clashed, a long-haul multi-platform fight (probably hours rather than months) where various localised or styolised battles resolved (e.g. a magic war, a tech war, a probability war, some physical ground battles, maybe a time war and some planar invasions etc.), and an endgame that would probably happen very quickly as one side or other gained ascent and influenced the larger cosmic-level battle. Each phase will require different kinds of planning.

Yuki would only plan for what she can, and hope she will have made room for the other parts (probability, magic, etc) to do what they need to do.

    There's a debate to be had about whether forting up on Parody Island is the best idea. Other resource bases are also available, for example EEE's GMY townhouse with its formidable dimensional defences, Phantomhawl Memorial Hospital with its unexplained protection from supernatural evil, Mi Li's Laundry of Doom, or the sanity-mangling and hard-to-navidate non-Euclidean ghoul tunnels. If the enemy can be lured to focussing disproportionate effort in reducing the Lair Mansion it leaves open the possibility for rear attacks from other concealed forces.

They don't have to stay in one particular place, just hidden and out of the way until their time comes.

    And that is assuming that the LL elects not to do a minute-one offensive on Herringcarp and commit many assets to try and take that resource off the board up front. Any assessment would flag that as a costly win, but that still doesn't mean that it wouldn't be worth it.

They might need way more support than they anticipate for that.

    Faire might be asked to stay put somewhere, but like Xander, perhaps not where ground zero physical fighting will be.

Faite also has the capability to put herself into hiding, and generally then she's operating as a ghost.

    Also, since the good-guy strategists include a few ruthless bastards, there's also the possibility of using Faite or another high-value intervener as bait for a trap for some of the high-end opposition, in a set-up ambush somewhare. Again, for example, an attack near or at the Nexus of Unreality would offer some unusual terrain advantages to a prepared trap-team, when an enemy seeking a quick elimination of Faite would suddenly discover themselves shifted into a sub-plane of Primal Hero-Feeders or something.

And she'll have plenty of her own traps. She's low-profile, but can be kind of a bastard when she wants to be.

    Wouldn't that mean that some of the villain tech-types could reproduce such equipmment in the Parodyverse?

They can, but they're at the wrong time for it. The place Lara comes from is out of time-sync with the Parodyverse. Essentially she's a superhero from the future.

    There's also the question of how "the imperative" might affect combat goals. It's not clear if the overriding urge will be "kill the baddies" or "make sure our team wins". There would be different compulsions depending on which it is.

That would be what Yuki silently fears, that come midnight the imperative will become an individual mandate instead. All planning will go out the window, and each person will try to kill every other one. If that happens, the only thing she would have left is to hope she's killed quickly before the zombies show up.

    One problem the LL faces is what to do with currently-incarcerated villains, or possibly all convicted and imprisoned criminals. Presumably the good guys will have an imperative to simply blow up all prisons at midnight.

If there's still planning ability left (see above) Yuki is likely, and smart enough, to decide that imperative is not strategically important and can happen later.

    I'm not convinced that Lara, or any one being in the Parodyverse, could destory everything. Many of them might destroy Earth, but that only shifts the fight's focus elsewhere to some other planet, plane, timeline, or alternate reality.

She can't destroy everything at once, but eventually she can destroy everything. It's just a matter of time and dedication, and the ability to outrun the enemy. The point is less actually having to destroy everything, and more communicating with an unseen enemy (the Celestian) using way more violence than it ever anticipated. She would hope that would focus its attention on her, which might somehow end the battle.


      Though on a much darker note, she also believes that it might be better for a falling Lair Legion to meet a quick end rather than suffer whatever comes next for them.

    This is true.

And that's if she fails to get the Celestian's attention, and the Lair Legion is losing the battle. In that case, she believes it's a kindness to put an end to it her own way, before the villains who are left enslave them, or possibly the Celestian itself.

    She hopes she would bet booted. The Dreaming Celestian appears to be pulling a lot of levers, because, as previously mentioned...

The Celestian might dump her into Comic Book Limbo, but she's escaped it before. If he tries to hold onto her spirit so it can't return home, her "sponsor" back home will come to claim it. So that might work in her favor. Sort of. Shema, her sponsor, is also a creator, not a destructor, so she wouldn't harm the Celestian or any of the villains. It would have to be a moment of divine creativity to resolve that one.