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Once more with feeling from... the Hooded Hood!

Subj: Continuing Al B.'s respitory commentary from down the board
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 at 06:15:04 am EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: Untold Tales of the Secrets of the Parodyverse #359 - Complete
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 at 03:48:13 pm EST (Viewed 73 times)

Previously, at Can I give a big gasp now?:

    So, it was Aella. Yes, she was top of my guess list since the last few parts and I was glad to see it was true (I still had some money on it possibly being Lisa). Nice way to bring her into a large and complicated family.

A sure sign that I've been writing these too long and readers have been reading them too long!

    Not sure I got there via your hints though, unless it was subconsciously. You could bash me over the head with them and I'd probably still miss them really. But the first bit of prose confirmed it.


    I'm also very glad to see the return of Hacker9. *first big gasp* Hooray! I wish him and Aella many years of torment as their romance develops.

Aella's fifteen and H9 in probably eighteen or nineteen by now, but that hasn't previously daunted him with Lindy Wilson, I suppose.

    I also very much enjoyed seeing old Winkelweald halting to control his chagrin. And hissing!

Sometimes it is all too much for an archvillain.

    We seldom get to see him so defeated. It truly was enjoyable to behold. (Don't kill me now mm'okay?)

Defeated? This is merely a setback. All will bend to his will and his triumph shall be absolute! Possibly in UT#360.

    Good to see HV, Wilbur and Apostate get their just desserts back in 1552 as well. The use of Knifey(s) to bring it about was a nice touch.

Well, HV goes on to other, even less successful plots in Heart of Darkness. The Apostate has once again been spanked and thrown out of the Parodyverse. Wilbur... it's hard to come back from Knifey when he means it.

    So, it's the Storyheart which is in the tomb. *there's my second big gasp* Interesting development.

Where else is the Heart of Stories of the Parodyverse, if not at the Lair Mansion? Where do more stories start or end? It's not at some swamp in Florida or a cave on the conceptual plane.

Runner-up venues in order are: Herringcarp Asylum, the Lighthouse, the Bean and Donut Coffee Shop, the Firehouse.

    And the big villain is the Dreaming Celestian! That...actually makes a lot of sense given all that has occurred. Hopefully Sarah of Dunboogie will get some luck in. She'll need it.

The Dreaming Celestian cheats in as much as he refuses to speak with mere fictioal constructs and therefore will not participate in banter.

    Couple of questions:

    How did the Hood get through with Liu Xi?

He didn't. He got through with Knifey.

    Who owes the Hood? Who did the Hood help to make? (Ok don't really expect answers to those two).

You already made mention of him in this very reply.

    Unless he means Denial? "In some ways I made you son."

No. Denial has his own problems next time.

    Anyway, great job Ian, I know you struggled with some of it, but it has all come together in fine form and has been a pleasure to read.

Thanks. I'm about to start the next one in a cup of coffee's time. And I may need the 2001 soundtrack.

    Oh yes, Mussorgsky has just the right balance of foreboding villain and crazy insane for the Hood. In fact, my Hood go-to musical piece has always been Gnomus but I like your choice too.

Also appropriate.




          Quite right. The Apostate is back in our very next chapter - and this time it's personal!


          I bet he won't last till the end of the issue though.

      How much?

    Well, he got whacked with sticks by the beaver girl. So that's pretty much a win.

The Unstoppable Beaver Girl!


      Sure, blame the girl. It's society's way. The male releases his spores and he's a real plant. The girl lets some onto her stamen and..."


    Hey, in this case i think it's fair. He was just a...Bog Thing... till she started to sing to him. The hussy.

A Nexus has needs.

    Also, that's a romance we need to see more of one day. Or maybe not.

Well, maybe in Urban Druid.

    But we do need the story of the night the three visitors came to call on the lovely Zemette sisters. Maybe for Valentine's Day? That gives you a month.

Possibly requires a different kind of message board. And we know that the third sister's child might have been Starseed's or Dirth Vortex's if not that of the actual Herper father.

So clearly it was a complicated night.



        Aww my granddaughter is dead? I barely knew her.

      She went to the bad. But not unil she had birthed a child. See forthcoming diagram.

    Oh Zod, another child? Really weren't there enough already? Looking forward to finally seeing this chart.



      Urban Druid is in the next but one part, I believe.

    Really? Ha! Good 'ol Scarmander. We hardly knew ya. Did I ever post #2? I think it's half written.

I see now it is wholly written. Well done.


      Kyza is a she, although she certainly wears mens combat armour (and Dirth Vortex's helmet).

    Well you certainly used male pronouns to refer to him and he in the relevant chapter. I know because I went back and checked.

Oops. Yeah, you'll notice there were few gender-specific personal pronouns in that entire scene in UT#354. I did that specifically to obscure the big reveal that Kyza was female. Then I managed a one-letter typo on the one big-reveal word, ascribing her as "he" and therefore wrecking the whole payoff. Then I evidently went back and proofread the scene later, forgot that I'd meant Kyza to be female, and added in two more male pronouns earlier in the scene to properly wreck the intention.

I have now restored the scene to its full feminine glory, although it still doesn't really survive the Bechdel test.


      She has plans for when she meets her father. Her alternate-timeline male replacement (c.f. Cody/Kara) is male and unnamed; but there can be only one, probably whichever one eliminates Al B. first.

    What did Al B. ever do to these kids to deserve such I ask (apart from never being there or paying a cent of child support)?

Well, Kinki appears to be shaping her second child for some specific plot that requires an archscientist, so once the Harper siblings have culled themselves down to an acceptable number that can begin.


      Right now it's Shroedinger's inseminator.

    Bloody Shoredinger. The cat is dead or alive, but not both. I don't need to open the box to know which, or for it to become reality. Its status and reality is not dependent on me seeing it. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

In any case, while the animal was in the box, it's pretty certain that Lisa's tom got in there and got it with kittens.


      I think Bambi died before he even made it to the Parodyverse.

    I'm going to have to go back and find out when she died now. My poor dead granddaughter who went bad. If only she'd had some stability in her life.

And who killed Bambi's mother?

    Kahn certainly seemed to end up smeared to atomic smithereens.

It's how he would have wanted to go.


      It's a shame we haven't done more on the history of GMY.

    There's nothing stopping you. Well except you need to do other stuff first. So there is something stopping you.

Some things are best left untold. Not that that seems to stop me.

    After the indigenous population traded swampy land for items of significance - wasn't a fort first built by the Spanish? Known as the Presidio Fantasmas (Fort of the Ghosts)it lasted until the French (not the Dutch) kicked the Spanish out and renamed the place as Nouveau Paris right? Which then Became known as Old Gotham once British colonials started moving in, and then became GothamYork after the British firmly established rule. The metropolis part being added later as the city grew?


And there were ghouls.


      Yikes! You really are going to try to fit EVERYONE in.

      Well, more people than are currently around. Pudu Lad hasn't had his moment yet.

    He's off with Semi-Transparent Lad and Fetish Lad in the League of Lost Lads no doubt.

They are all in #360.


      You may want to pace your seat-edging.

    That's all good. It was the conclusion to #359 I was waiting for. And you delivered! Well done!

    I can be patient for the next bit.

I'm going to have a go today if time allows.


      She was mildly appalled at all the footnote links I made her look up for me.

      For UT#360 I will also need links to the Lair Babies incident, Baby Elephant, Rabid Wolf, the first destruction of Parodiopolis City Hall (possibly in a spiffy story), the Anti-League, the Botherhood of Evil Mutates, and the Willingham Historical Society's museum. Amongst may others.


    Well, you don't HAVE to footnote/link all these things do you? (Baby Elephant - really - isn't it enough to just know it happened?).

Then how would people know I wasn't just making this stuff up?