Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Al B. Harper
is a nothing if not a hardcore fan

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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HH consults

Subj: But .. but, I've just traveled over 2000 km's to get back home to devote more time to read and reply!
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 at 05:16:48 pm EST (Viewed 410 times)
Reply Subj: And next?
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 at 03:04:25 pm EST (Viewed 8 times)

Previous Post

Well, that’s really all we have time for, readers… by which I mean that this story has done what my Parodyverse stories often do and sprawled out more than I had expected. I estimate that it will take another seven chapters to complete, in another ‘issue’ of Untold Tales. At the moment I have two and a half of those chapters written.

But, having put December aside as a ‘holiday’ from other projects, including writing that now forms a handy second income for me, I should now be getting back to work. I don’t really want to leave the story at this point, especially because there’s a lot of it only in my head that will get flushed away as soon as I start to proofread one of the several manuscripts awaiting my attention or writing the next prose I have due (a Sherlock Holmes short story about what happens in 221a Baker Street). It is bad discipline to stop part way. But on the other hand, writing PVB stories for myself and an audience numbering in single digits is very self-indulgent.

So do I give myself an extra week’s holiday and finish what I started? Or should I shelve things for a better time? I'm really in two minds, so any comments might help.

You can't escape this Watsar.

Interesting as the shenanigans of 221a Baker St sound there are a whole bunch of heroes (and villains) lost in space/time and living out their lives as their past ancestors or just dead.

Would it be fair to THEM to leave it like this? (Poetic justice in just leaving it like this because it would suit the theme of Parodyverse aside).

It's been a rotten year (for some anyway) - I say end it with some self indulgence for you (and well, me) and get it done. There's nothing wrong with a bit of self indulgence from time to time.

2.5 chapters in? You're already almost half way there. Get on it.