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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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HH believes Christmas works best with dark edges

Subj: You don't really have to look far for the darkness in the whole story.
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 at 05:35:16 pm EST (Viewed 486 times)
Reply Subj: Gold for a king, incense for a god... myrrh for a tomb.
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 at 04:38:31 am EST (Viewed 5 times)

    It's good to be able to invoke a sense of dread in one's readers. And really, would Vizh cash in is chips if Hallie and Fleabot were still alive?

Well, you've just doomed them to death, haven't you?

    I discerned that you felt strongly on this subject. I may need to address the issue at some stage.

'Felt strongly' is probably too strong, I don't really feel anything on the subject other than enjoyment from reading a good HH written PV story again!

However the LL and kids do seem a little bloodthirsty and warish lot without any thought of "hey wait a minute do the people/sprites/creatures living there even want us there taking over?" It's adds an interesting angle to things when read that way (and it is easy to read that way with the quoted comments here and earlier). But it's also clear this isn't the only way to read things, I'm just running with it for some cross-board tie-in aspects. If it is becoming bothersome and diverting you from the main plot I am happy to stop.

There are some interesting allegories to current global issues in this too if anyone wanted to look for such.

I do agree with your comment in another thread that I can see Magweed being one who would do the most to address any resistance or concern. Thus far though no such has been seen in-story, but we have seen her friends and guardians rather ruthlessly proposing to invade a foreign land, overthrow its leadership, and establish their own rule.

    Then again, Vizh isn't likely to let anything happen to his poster-character if Magweed and Griffin were returning to Earth, is he?

They'll all be normal in the One-colour Normal-lands.

    I've only ever met five posters myself.

Are you including your family and secretaries in this tally?