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The Hooded Hood really had a lot of time on his hands once

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HH can't change the rules. It's the law.

Subj: But to celebrate your birthday, here's a choose-your-path story starring Yo: #225: Interactive Untold Tales of the Lair Legion: Dangerous Paths
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 at 04:09:38 am EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: As I recall it, the people having birthdays have to write stories for the rest of us.
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 at 03:36:25 am EST

Welcome to a most unusual chapter of Untold Tales. This episode offers an interactive adventure where the reader selects the path the characters will take, with the experiences that our heroes face differing as the reader chooses. Lead the Lair Legion to triumph or disaster – the choices are yours!

Despite the format, this story takes place in continuity, taking place on the very same evening as the events in Untold Tales #224 and #226. While Nats undertakes an uncomfortable mission to the underworld and Lisa and Dancer accompany Donar to investigate his missing mythological realm, the field team of the Lair Legion respond to a major disaster in Northwest Africa. This is their story.

For those not familiar with the Parodyverse’s greatest heroes, the roll call for this chapter is:

Yo Deputy-Leader of the Lair Legion, is an energy thought being from Yo-planet, a genderless, playful, childlike being who loves bunnies and dressing up as Zorro. S/he mangles English into a very distinctive speak pattern and terms most things cute or uncute. S/he has a simplistic approach to problems which is often effective. Yo is as powerful as Yo believes s/he is, with the gift to manifest whatever abilities are appropriate to the person Yo decides to be (pilot, teacher etc.) and a fundamental link to the extradimensional Happy Place.

Hatman (Jay Boaz) gained the ability to take on the powers and abilities of any hat he wears after exposure to a radioactive drug containing the primal substance Serious Matter. Really. He mainly uses sports' team caps to take on the abilities of Bulls, Steelers etc, using headpieces from his Hatility Belt. With the right hat he can be pretty powerful. He is the team nice guy, and this probably makes people underestimate his potential. He is the Lair Legion’s Liaison Officer to the armed forces and emergency services. He often teams up with CSFB! (q.v) (mimicking the Green Lantern/Flash relationship).

CrazySugarFreakBoy! (Dreamcatcher Kokopelli Foxglove) is a hyperactive college student whose Impossibilityium silly suit enhances his own sugar-powered athletic abilities, strength and speed. His encyclopaedic knowledge of comics and movies and a massive enthusiasm for the super-hero lifestyle creates a perspective that somehow keeps him alive.

Trickshot (Carl Bastion) is an amazing archer who uses a variety of gimmicked shafts to fight crime. He is also the world's biggest bigmouth. Formerly from Earth Tricky, where he was a Legion member much earlier in their history, Tricky is actually a seasoned veteran crimefighter who has now re-established his reputation in his new world.

The Manga Shoggoth is a Lovecraftian creature of protoplasm from the dawn of time. Lurking in his cyclopean many-angled fortress in the icebound Antarctic, the Manga Shoggoth guards his prized collection of Japanese animation. But one fragment of the Shoggoth was contaminated in a previous adventure is is now quarantined from the main biomass and has joined the Lair Legion until it can be cleansed and returned.

Princess Uhunalura (Uhunalura Amalandriana Excelsior!) is the youngest of the Abhuman royal family, with the ability to shift injuries and illnesses between people. She came to visit Paradopolis with her teleporting war-pig, Suresnout, her first time away from Atticland, the Great Relief, but was permanently exiled because of her dalliance with Legionnaire Nats. Uhuna isn’t a member of the team, but she lives at the Lair Mansion.

Back at the Lair Mansion are the team’s current leader, Sir Mumphrey Wilton, and support staff such as Hallie, the team’s resident artificial intelligence, Asil Ashling, Sir Mumphrey’s amanuensis, and Amber St Clare (not pictured), government liaison.

Other details and background at:
The Hooded Hood's Homepage of Doom
Who's Who in the Parodyverse
Where's Where in the Parodyverse

And now, if you’re all caught up, lets start the
Interactive Untold Tales of the Lair Legion: Dangerous Paths

Or, if you really hate the idea of doing that, you can read a normal narrative version here: UT#225: Untold Uninteractive Tales of the Lair Legion: Dangerous Paths

And finally, for the obsessive completists, here's a copy of the original script that includes all the page entries.

Special thanks to Chris (Manga Shoggoth) Leeson for setting up the pages for this adventure and doing all the heavy lifting. Images used in this story are by Visionary, Dancer, and a number of micro-makers.

Original concepts, characters, and situations copyright © 2005, 2016 reserved by Ian Watson. Other Parodyverse characters copyright © 2005, 2016 to their creators. This is a work of parody. The use of characters and situations reminiscent of other popular works are in fair-use parody and do not constitute a challenge to the copyrights or trademarks of those works. The right of Ian Watson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.