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WGMY 104.1

Member Since: Thu Nov 18, 2010
Posts: 281
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WGMY 104.1

Member Since: Thu Nov 18, 2010
Posts: 281
Subj: And here's mine:
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 at 11:41:25 am EST (Viewed 514 times)
Reply Subj: Nice picks.
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 at 11:05:40 am EST (Viewed 410 times)

Previous Post

There's a set of potential clashes here that Parodyverse writers could have a lot of fun with. Plus between She-Ra, Inspector Gadget and the Singalong Blog they'd surely have one awesone theme tune.

Characters not making the cut this time around are swordsman Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride, the disaster-prone Gaston LaGaffe and Sergeant Major Zero from Terrahawks. But here's the full alternative lineup:

Lucifer Box (the Vesuvius Club)
Our fearless leader is a gentleman spy from novels by Mark Gatiss. Box is a daring and deadly agent of the British Crown with a louche lifestyle that's the scandal of London. He faces crazed scientists and demonic cults with effortless style. But how will he fare against Argh!Yle, Evillest of Socks?

Jet Jaguar (Godzilla Versus Megalon)
He began life as a prototype robot servant, but when sea monster Megalon attacked Japan, Jet Jaguar "reprogrammed himself" to grow into two hundred feet of rubbery kung-fu fury. Battle won, Jet Jaguar returned to domestic drudgery; now he's back on the big stage and spoiling for a fight. Can the mute size-changing droid keep one step ahead of Ultraman's copyright lawyers?

The Diva Plavalaguna (The Fifth Element)
In 2263 she's due to save the world - first she's got to live that long. With her alien gadgetry and devastating sonic attacks, the mysterious young mollusc-woman is a valuable addition to the Legion. But are her hearts really in it, or will she be distracted by her fledgling pop career?

Tiffany Aching (Discworld)
Earnest witch-in-training Tiffany is principled and resourceful but still has much to learn about life. She'll be a fish out of water in the big city, but pity the villain who runs foul of those tiny blue hooligans who watch her every move.

Hathor (Egyptian mythology)
Hathor herself is a cow-eyed goddess of love and joy, an earth-mother type celebrated for her good sense, soothing voice and milfy charms. But scratch her and you risk unleashing her other aspect, the blazing, bloodthirsty lioness-spirit known as Sekhmet the Destroyer. Can she hold herself together in a crisis or does she pose a danger to her teammates... and the world?

Wile E. Coyote (Looney Tunes)
Having seen the error of his ways, Coyote resolved to harness his tenacity, creativity and apparent indestructibility for the greater good. But how long can he stay on the straight and narrow when every single mission requires him at some point to run off a cliff, screech to a halt in mid-air, feel around with his toe and plummet a slide-whistle mile to the dusty desert floor?

and finally

Vladimir Putin (public persona)
Following a kryptonite accident, the real and constructed Putins are split into two independent physical bodies; the dead-eyed intelligence officer resumes the murky business of governing Russia while the bear-hunting scuba-diving racecar-driving jet-piloting marlin-fishing judo-throwing action hero of a thousand pre-election photoshoots seeks out the only role that can offer him the thrill-packed lifestyle he craves. But does he secretly covet the top job, or is he playing a deeper game?

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