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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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killer shrike may have an idea for a story if he gets ambitious enough

Subj: That seems like something I should know, doesn't it?
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 at 03:46:20 pm EDT (Viewed 358 times)
Reply Subj: Can anyone give me a list of all the alternate versions of Visionary that have appeared in the PVB?
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 at 11:15:17 am EDT (Viewed 1 times)

Er... well, there was the "Anti-Visionary" from the League of Irregulars story.

There was Functionary and his assistant Brap from the Moderator saga.

We saw a one-chapter tease of a would-be villainous Visionary teamed with Ms. Pfeffercorn and Brap about to form a team called "The Undesirables".

The early round-robin "Return to the Parodyverse" featured a dystopic future for the Lair Legion, and had the death of a techno-organic, amnesiac Visionary.

I recall a few more alternate universes (From your own Mr. Epitome stories, AG certainly dealt in many in his Crisis series, Untold Tales featured the Swordrealms with the alternate reality son of Hatman Sir John de Jaboz) but I don't recall if Vizh was more than mentioned (if that) in any of them.

Depending on how you wanted to define "alternate Visionarys", there was the teenage Visionary from Follies of Youth, and the common weasel version that pops up now and again. He was also holographic for a while after the Robosapiens were lost along with his digitized body in the attack on Hallie's Mainframe. He was slightly undead after having his heart cut out due to being infected by Nyarlurkhotep and possibly given a hickey by Ursula Underess in "Heart of Darkness".

There certainly may be more, even some obvious ones, that I'm forgetting right now.

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