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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: They don't come with bubble gum any longer, do they?
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 at 06:46:10 pm EDT (Viewed 407 times)
Reply Subj: A project I've been working on
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 at 10:47:26 am EDT (Viewed 439 times)

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As some of you may remember, a few years ago I created Lair Legion playing cards for a game called Vs System. Well, I've recently rekindled my love of the game (since I learned I can play it on-line, on dial-up!) and I thought I'd see about redesigning the cards I made before, as well as creating new ones. I'm going for more of a unifying theme this time rather than going for just individual flavour.

I'll post a few at a time, and briefly explain why they are the way they are. \:\) At worst you get a chance to enjoy a lot of Visionary artwork (along with some Dancer, Hooded Hood, and NTU pieces).

So here we go, the first 3 of the new cards I designed.

I started out with Al. I wanted to go with an equipment theme (where you "equip" characters with different equipment for various effect), and who better to get me started? Al has 2 abilities. The first one lets you draw a card and then discard a card, hopefully improving your hand. Al is always improving upon technology he is given, so I thought that made sense. His second ability lets him use technology that others at this stage of the game can't, since he is more technologically literate than most.

Fleabot is pretty similar to the last Fleabot card I made, only I simplified him a bit. Fleabot is Concealed, meaning he hangs out in the Hidden Area (since he is microscopic in size) and is therefore a lot harder to attack. He supports others (with the bonus he gives), but is too small to wear equipment himself.

And finally for today, the Librarian. His first ability helps you keep your hand size up (since it will deplete with all of that equipment), but his second ability reflects his character more. By looking at the top three cards and putting them back in any order, the Librarian effectively changes the opponents next draw (they only draw 2 cards). I figure it's like his ability to absorb knowledge from books by touch.

That's it for today. I'll post new ones every couple of days; so far I have about 20 done, and once I'm done with a few more heroes and support cards, I'm going to get started on the villains.


Those are pretty snazzy looking! I don't remember what each of the stats mean, but I like the looks of them. Did you just make up the character quotes, or are they actually from a particular story?

If you need specific illustrations, you can always send a wish list. I'm not promising I'll do them, but if I find the free time I might be able to slip a few into my schedule.

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