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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: Re: Migraine powers, activate!
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 at 04:31:35 am EDT (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Migraine powers, activate!
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 at 11:07:02 am EDT (Viewed 494 times)

    I'm sure that getting shot in the head with any type of projectile would leave some kind of headache, but I'll take a migraine over being dead any day.

It's possibly the toughest origin yet. You share it with Deadman.

    I liked the old-school teamwork between CSFB! and Hatman as they took on the Machine Shop, particularly their variation on a Fastball Special. It's a nice way to remind readers that these two are crimefighting partners, not just teammates.

Lots of people have described this as "old school". I don't think I approve of the new school.

    I'm curious as to the motive of the villains restoring Hatman's powers though, looking forward to seeing how that pans out.

It's all to do with the Word intending to exploit the imbalance that CSFB!'s continued existence causes.

    After reading this part I may need to e-mail you as I'm worried I may be inadvertently planning to step on your toes with the direction of the Abandoned Legion; I'll have a think and see if there would be a conflict or not and e-mail if needed. When possible I like to not run things by you so you can enjoy the story from a fresh perspective.

You're welcome to call me but I hope this episode outlines where Hatty now is: back on the team as their training officer, super-powered, and moving into the Foundation's top floor flat.

    I was glad that MLA was able to back up Sally, providing a morale boost if nothing else.

It was more a character test than anything else.

    Aside from the fallout from Yuki launching an assault on the SAFE, I also have to wonder how the government and/or public will react to learning the Lair Legion has implanted their own private override codes into what is a facility built with public dollars. The beverage machine was a nice touch, by the way.

You can bet those loopholes will now get closed.

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