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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Just bad enough
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 at 04:23:54 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Just bad enough
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 at 12:42:49 pm EDT (Viewed 606 times)


      It was a pretty remarkable escape, really. I hope i didn't make it seem too easy for brevity's sake. I was trying to show how good Yuki is at this stuff, not how bad prison security was.

    Really it's just that Yuki would find it easy (most people wouldn't, not even Chiaki).

I saw it as being another extreme sport to Yuki. Plus, she was irritated by Morgansten.

    I got the impression that the Word had someone besides Hat in mind, and just *temporarily* gave it back to Hat for the immediate purpose. I had a thought in my mind that sooner or later the Word will try to take it back - or has already arranged that - which would kill Hatty.



      I'm steering clear of Faite's subplots because they'd be so easy to disrupt and because I'm not that comfortable with uber-characters interfering to help out everyday heroes from general plot situations.

    It was really just a general plot I had in mind that I just applied to Hatman. Someday Faite will find someone she bonded with is going to die, and saving them will take a lot of work to prevent damaging the normal path of time. Then we get to see if she makes the emotional choice (the harder one) or takes the easier, more logical approach in letting time unfold like it was supposed to.

    Unfortunately now that I detailed this so much where everyone can read it, I'm going to have to find another, more surprising plot to use it with. But you get the idea now. \:\)



      Klein was Flask's chosen candidate.

    But things have changed now that she both failed and embarrassed herself publicly.

She's not really failed publicly since she never announced that she was going to kill Hatman to the media - for obvious reasons. Any superhero damage to the city simply reinforces her tough stand against metahumans not under city control. For example, Hatman comes slumming for 24 hours to GMY and there's a rash of supervillain incidents - he's a menace and a trouble magnet.

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