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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: They're trying to fix that.
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 at 04:19:37 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: They're trying to fix that.
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 at 12:50:02 pm EDT (Viewed 625 times)


      I think Yuki's pretty Governor-proof right now, far more than Chiaki. Once she's outside his domain she's got plenty of resources at her back and he can't really do anything.

    It wouldn't stop him from asking for an arrest warrant. Of course most of the cops would be afraid to arrest Yuki.

The LL legal team would probably block that. As I said, it's very different going after a Legionnaire than taking on an independent like Chiaki.

    I'm guessing they're at least *researching* how they can hold prisoners like Lara Night who can just disappear. Or like Liu Xi Xian, whose magic-based powers can literally transform the prison walls to her will.

There are screens preventing teleport, dimension-shifting, and even time travel in the Safe, so if the customised power-dampening collars don't work the regular holes are still blocked.

The Safe was originally built to contain the Chain Knight and the site was selected and prepared by the then-Sorcerer Supreme Lucius Faust. The site is mystically protected as well as scientifically shielded and it appears to be one of several local places with ancient significance (Phantomhawk Memorial Hospital is another; that was once seen to turn aside a Doomwraith attack).

From a dramatic narrative point of view it's just useful to have somewhere to send baddies where they can be confined for a while - or even somewhere that the good guys might be confined if required.

    The irony is, with all that preparation, the one weakness the prison will always have is people like Chiaki Bushido who's powerless but can simply con her way out (or probably Con Johnstantine too).

The out-of-story idea is to make escape challenging but not impossible.



        That also reminds me: I wonder how annoyed the Juniors will be that Liu Xi Xian - who's going to the same college they are - skipped the entire Juniors league and went straight to the Big Leagues? It occurred to me because MLA would be particularly annoyed, since he didn't get to.


        That's a good question that we'll need to explore sometime.

    Poor Liu Xi might be caught in the middle - disliked by the Juniors because she skipped right over their program and made the big leagues at such a young age, and also resented a little by the founding members who now have to work with a "kid".

We'll have to see how that plays out.

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