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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Also the reason they stopped allowing water in the toilets.
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 at 03:46:06 am EDT (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: I think they stopped serving fried foods after that incident with Rorshach.
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 at 11:30:49 am EDT (Viewed 595 times)


      I expect we'll need to feature him again at some point.

    I suspect that this particular team probably isn't finished with their run ins with the law. Hell, Yuki got herself thrown in holding up in Jason's tale since you started posting these again.

The management can't be held responsible for third party plug-ins.

    See my comments to Shrike below about balance, taste etc.

    I can't speak for anybody else, but I wasn't bothered by anything in this chapter. I'm usually not a big fan of prison tales, exploitative or not, because they tend to delve into this kind of thing (never could stomach "Oz"), but this was far more mild than the referenced "Shawshank", and that's considered an uplifting movie classic and one I do quite like.

I considered doing a full parody of the 70s prison movies but I didn't have the time or enthusiasm.

The strangest such parody I've ever read was in Defenders #28 or so by Steve Gerber, with Valkyrie playing the part of the inmate.

    I think he's [the MLA] got something to add to the Juniors.

    I should think so. I'm sure he'll be a calming influence on some of their more impulsive tendencies... it's not like his cousins ever complicated matters.

The Juniors have got too comfortable with each other over the years. Vespiir, R.J., and the long-planned other member might make things sparkle again.

    He'll need sorting eventually, for sure. Right now I'm still laying out a bunch of problems on the table, for the short and long term.

    That better be a sturdy table.

I'm worried that I'm making commitments I can't keep.

    A really fun chapter! Do we still have some member revelations to go?

    There's two more sections to go with two more members.

    I'm curious as to whether Citizen Z gets on the team, and how she and Sally can possibly function together.


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