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Subj: Quite a few circles of it, at least.
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 at 11:39:01 am EDT (Viewed 594 times)
Reply Subj: Maybe not all hell. We need to pace ourselves.
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 at 08:02:07 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)

    After all, we haven't got to Vizh's action sequence in this issue yet.

I see a slow-motion dive as a cruller nearly falls off the table.

    And kudos for Shriking what the deal was with Hatty's bullet to the brain.

If your name is going to become a verb, that's not a bad one to get.

    Do you ever wonder how different things would have been if Trickshot hadn't beaten HJDM to a place in the LL?

You may recall that I started a story about a team featuring Vizh, HJDM, Ms. Pfeffercorn, Carlsbad Carl and Brap, so I've probably given it a bit more thought than most... which is to say none, but I did think about something kind of tangential. I still really like that bit of alternate universe... I figure it's something the Hooded Hood watched until he changed channels in his Portal of Pretentiousness.

    It was also fun to see Dream and Hatty together to take on the Machine Shop. The Ressurection Duo made a pretty good showing, and their "maneuvers" added some fun and imagination to the fight. I'm sure the attack will play into the robosapien debates as well.

    It's yet another Incident, isn't it?

The Machine Shop was bound to cause trouble during all of this debate... not that any more was really needed.

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