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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: They're trying to fix that.
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 at 10:22:08 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: That prison has so many holes...
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 at 09:19:23 am EDT (Viewed 703 times)

    Of course now Yuki is going to be hunted by that warden...like she hasn't heard that before. At least the Psychic Samurai can say "welcome to the club" (re: being hunted by a warden of the Safe).

I think Yuki's pretty Governor-proof right now, far more than Chiaki. Once she's outside his domain she's got plenty of resources at her back and he can't really do anything.

    Now she just needs to get some paperwork for MLA quickly before the warden manages to accuse her of breaking out a legal prisoner. I suppose Yuki's couple solve that by going on a crusade to investigate the prison and prove the warden is up to no good, and expose his illegal methods to the rest of the world.

Morgernsten's right that there is (would realistically have to be) special legislation regarding the incarceration of metahumans. We've seen really dangerous prisoners like Onslaughter, Blackbird, and of course the Chain Knight held in restraints that would be considered cruel and unusual by anybody's standards - but neccessarily so. Beyond the general population that can be adequately restrained by a power-dampening collar there are also the "special" prisoners who require far more specialised measures.

Morgensten's hard-line attitude comes not from corruption but from despising criminals. His persecution of Sally comes from believing she'd perpetrated the torture and death of Special Agents and had planned to use children in nuclear terrorism against the US. He's interpreting his powers too widely - but probably within what he could normally get away with.

In fact what he's doing to Sally isn't very different from the reported treatment that various child molestors or traitors get when incarcerated, where wardens "turn a blind eye" while the prison population punish an offender in ways the law cannot, or the way that suspects are sometimes left locked up with brutal inmates to "soften them up" for later questioning.

    That also reminds me: I wonder how annoyed the Juniors will be that Liu Xi Xian - who's going to the same college they are - skipped the entire Juniors league and went straight to the Big Leagues? It occurred to me because MLA would be particularly annoyed, since he didn't get to.

That's a good question that we'll need to explore sometime.

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