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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: On the relative attractiveness of artificial women...
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 10:39:27 am EDT (Viewed 582 times)
Reply Subj: That depends...
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 12:55:59 am EDT (Viewed 576 times)


    You could have guessed that with Hallie and Tandi there, poor Anna didn't stand a chance.

I probably wouldn't have guessed that, actually.  I think as a general rule, my recollections of college bars was that the main thing the women needed to pick up a guy was a pulse.  I *think* Anna has something similar to a heartbeat, but I could be mistaken.

Actually, this being "the Parodyverse" and with me being a stereotypical male, I tend to imagine the characters as they would appear in either a Hollywood production or a comic book...  That is to say, unless they're specifically supposed to be ugly, they probably resemble the typically beautiful people that get to be stars.  They are, after all, in good shape physically.  Without a stated physical flaw, the characters are generally good looking in my mind.

That said, we then go to the kind of Hollywood separation between "average" looking and smoking hot.  The last time we did one of those casting lists years ago, I picked a pre-Dark Knight Maggie Gyllennhaal as Hallie, and I still think that's pretty good.  Now, a lot of disgruntled Batman fans are out there on the internet calling her "ugly" in some way.  There's obviously a separation from reality there somewhere...  I feel the same way whenever fans on the internet complain that Kirsten Dunst is somehow painful to look at.  Not everyone's cup of tea?  Sure.  But actually below average in looks?  I need to visit whatever town they're living in.  (Or maybe not, since I'd apparently be the ugliest one there.)

So really, in my mind the Parodyverse operates on that kind of warped scale where the kind of role they have determine their level of attractiveness.  Hallie is Hollywood's version of "girl-next-door" good looking.  Attractive, yes, but nobody accidentally walks into a telephone pole rubbernecking as she walks past.  Tandi is a television sitcom sex symbol: cute, sexy but approachable.  The Caphans are Victoria's Secret supermodels, or international sex symbols... intimidatingly sexy.

That said, as in a Hollywood production, the stars are always going to stand out more than the extras and bit players... so I kind of expect that Hallie, Tandi, Samantha, Kerry, Kara and so on are going to get noticed and get attention in a bar full of horny college guys.  It doesn't make them all super-models in my mind... it just means they're all young, athletic and in an environment where guys will hit on anything that moves.

I guess I haven't really "cast" Anna in my mind.  I get that she's somewhat shy and unassuming, and so more likely to be the wallflower in a scene like this.  If you were to pick a Hollywood type or actress to portray her, who would you go with?

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