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J. Jonah Jerkson

Member Since: Fri Nov 19, 2004
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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: Re: From the Parodiopolis Daily Trombone: An Editorial
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 at 09:07:16 pm EDT (Viewed 510 times)
Reply Subj: From the Parodiopolis Daily Trombone: An Editorial
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 at 06:22:28 pm EDT (Viewed 596 times)

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From the Parodiopolis Daily Trombone

An Editorial
By J. Jonah Jerkson, Editor and Publisher

Gang Violence the Solution to the Gang Problem?

The city of Gothametropolis York has a well known gang problem.  The Mayor's office may deny it, the chief of police denies it, but the man on the street knows otherwise.  This truth-seeking publisher knows it too, and it's time the city of GMY acknowledges the problem. 

But is Mayor Velma Klein refusing to address the problem of gangs because she is hoping they wipe each other out?

Police reports from the last few weeks show that a multitude of low-level gangsters in the city of GMY have been, as the mob would call it, whacked.  Louie Sphyrna, the reputed gang leader known as Hard Head, was found decapitated.  Lenny Jefferson, otherwise known on the streets as Gravestone, left twisting in the wind hanging from the Kane monument in GMY Square.  And the latest hit, of the alleged gunrunner Frankie Holeville, aka Whack-a-Mole, was the proverbial square peg hammered into the round hole.  There are even whisperings that reputed businessman Gordon Edge was attacked in his own office, an attack that does not fit the pattern of the other killings but for one fact.

Metahumans are rumoured to be the ones carrying out the attacks.

The police are trying to keep the killings quiet, and this fearless publisher demands to know why.  Rumor has it that Mayor Klein is hoping these mob bosses are taking each other out, allowing outlaw justice to prevail where the court systems of GMY have not.  How an administration can turn a blind eye to the threat of gang violence overtaking a city, I will never know.

The failure of the police to maintain one of GMY's most publicized laws banning all metahuman activity in the city is surely an embarrassment to the force.  Mayor Klein can not be seen as condoning metahuman violence in her city, but she is slow to act against it when it serves her administrations purposes.  Convenient, is it not?

This all-American publisher will not stand idly by as the out of control violence perpetrated by metahuman gangs is perpetrated against the citizens of our sister city.  The citizens of GMY must stand up and have their voices heard.  The administration cannot have it both ways, choosing when justice is to be meted out and when to allow the principles of policing in the days of the wild west to reign.  Justice is justice, and if Mayor Klein cannot see that, then maybe it's time that those in power step in to rectify this intentional oversight of the Klein administration.

J. Jonah Jerkson


Brilliant stuff, Jay.  I'll give it a full review this weekend.  Great job with the character. 

J. JONAH JERKSON Voice of the People
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