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Anime Jason 

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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
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Subj: The plot thickens!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 at 12:24:29 am EDT (Viewed 404 times)
Reply Subj: Part 2 of Chad & Ronnie: Fugitives!
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 at 11:09:35 pm EDT (Viewed 468 times)

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Downtown Parrodpolis.
The local branch of the Federal Meta-Human Resource Center.
One of the upper Administrative Floors. These floors are off limits to all except for FMRC employees.
Thursday, shortly after 2 p.m.

In the reception area outside of Ruben Holcomb's office, there were two people: one being Mr. Holcombs' receptionist (Jane Tarzania) & an acquaintance of her's which she meet via a friend of her ex boyfriend (Catherine Gillespie). There were discussing three main things:
1. The recent disappearance of her ex-boyfriend (Ronald Arnold Gerrimoto Beeslyhuxtoy, known to them informally as Ronnie) & his friend (Chadwick L. Swiss, known to them informally as Chad).
2. The recent appearance of someone claiming to be a representative from Ronnie's family.
3. How #1 & 2 might be related.

"Where do we go from here?" Catherine asked.

Jane wasn't exactly sure but before she could answer or even come up with an idea, Catherine said. "Hang on a minute."

Catherine pulls out her phone & dials a number.

"It's ringing." she says.

After a minute or so, Jane assumes someone picked since Catherine began to talk.


"Is Doctor Anderton available?"

"Thank you." Catherine said & then cover the mouth piece & said "I'm on hold now."

Before Jane could respond, Catherine off hold.

"Hi, Doctor Anderton?"

"This is Catherine Gillespie. I'm a friend of Chad Swiss."


"I was wondering when his next appointment was?"

"Thanks. Have a nice day."

She then hung up & returned her attention to Jane. Catherine did notice that Jane had a look of puzzlement on her face.

"That was Doctor Anderton, Chad's psychoanalyst."

"ok." Jane said, still puzzled.

"He's kind of like a Therapist but a little more touchy-feely & with way bigger words."

"ok. But why?"

"Well, I asked when Chad's next appointment was, which I've done before since Chad has had a habit of forgetting them from time to time. I also know that Chad would only schedule another appointment if he'd knew he'd be able to make it, even if he forgets that he made such an appointment."

Jane noticed that Catherine looked like she was waiting for a reply.

"Which means what?"

"This helps factor in how planned out the trip Chad & Ronnie on. Now I wasn't asked to take care of Little Cat which for the most part I'm not so that doesn't help but what the Doctor told me does: Chad had one but he cancelled it citing that he'd be out of town."

"When did he do that that?"

"Late last week." Catherine said with a smile.

"So, the trip was planned."

"Not necessarily. You know Ronnie it's fly by the skin of your pants & seat of teeth!" Catherine said with a giggle.

After a moment to think about what was said, Jane replied. "yeah. Ronnie is a do it now kind of person."

"But Chad isn't. He plans stuff out. It may not look like it but he does. Let me make another call which may help us narrow down the time frame a bit more. Ok?"


Catherine dials another number. There was a few moments wait & then Catherine began to talk.

"Hello? Is this the Squeeze Box?"

"cool. I was wondering if you had a item on hold?"

"The name would be Chad Swiss or maybe Chadwick L. Swiss."

There was a few moments of silence & then Catherine put her hand over the mouth piece & said. "They are going to check."

Another few moments of silence & then more talking.


"He did?"

"There was?"

"What did he look like?"

"ok. Thank you."

Catherine hung up & said. "The Squeeze Box is one of the better Accordion shops in the Parrodpolis area."

"There is more then one?"

"Yeah." Catherine said. The way she said it made he sound almost insulted at the thought of there being only one Accordion store.

"But getting back to the task at hand: Chad did have an order with them & he was in yesterday to pick it up. They said he said he wanted to pick it up before he went out of town. They also said while Chad was in the store a freaky looking guy was lurking outside. The guy had a larger red afro & was only wearing clothes in 2 colors. Can you guess which?"

"Red & Yellow?"


"Did they give a time of day?"

"Afternoonish, to quote them exactly."

"Could have have gotten it on the way out of town?" Jane mused.

"Exactly. I've never known Chad to leave on any long term trip without an Accordion." Catherine said as she took off her glasses.

"But where could they have gone?" Jane asked.

"With them: anywhere is possible." Catherine said as she put her glasses back on.



Left in a hurry, did they? That's an interesting turn of events.

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