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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
In Reply To
Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
Posts: 2,834
Subj: Interesting... I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 at 12:17:06 am EST (Viewed 529 times)
Reply Subj: Hey readers...(it's kind of good news this time...for you, anyway)
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 at 02:14:05 pm EST (Viewed 629 times)

> I feel I have to apologize, because I've been making a grave mistake during the past month.  Actually it was probably a mistake before that, but it wasn't really noticeable until HH got too busy and stopped posting.  I've been cutting my story plots really short.

Originally the reason I did that was to avoid writing long, drawn out plots that would become outdated by the time it was concluded.  They were also usually "tied in" to something else, either picking up on or leaving something unresolved.  They depended too much on someone else picking up on it and extending it.  I tried too hard to avoid making anything too "permanent".

After the last month of near silence on the board, however, and Visionary's comments to my last story post (don't worry Vizh, you're not in trouble - you just brought something to light) I'm starting to realize that I'm going to have to make a commitment and start making things more permanent.

The current mini-story and one more I have in the queue have already been completed, just not posted.  At this point I think I need to write a story plot that's longer, more detailed, and more satisfying in its conclusion.  I'm hoping it will attract tie-ins like HH did.  Maybe it will even motivate him to write a tie-in himself if he knows it doesn't have to be a huge commitment.  The point is, if he's unable to make that kind of commitment right now, someone else has to.

I have something loosely planned, but I haven't started writing it yet.  So if anyone has any objections, suggestions, or comments, now's the time to make them.


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